OGIS Toolbox

Office of Government Information Services
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Email Updates Subscription

OGIS is pleased to offer a free email subscription service, which allows our website users to receive notifications by e-mail when new information is available. Your email address will only be used to deliver the requested information.

We have set up the feeds for:

  • Individually each of the main sections of the site, being: About OGIS, About FOIA, For FOIA Requesters, For Federal Agencies, OGIS Toolbox, and News and Events. You will be notified of any updated content for any of the sections you subscribe to below;
  • The Events and Presentations Calendar, and
  • The OGIS Library.

To subscribe to any of these options, simple check the appropriate boxes below and enter your email address.

Prefer RSS? If you prefer real-time updates via RSS, you can use our RSS feeds.

About OGIS
About FOIA
For FOIA Requesters
For Federal Agencies
OGIS Toolbox
News and Events
Events and Presentations
The OGIS Library
Email Address
Email Address