Our Mission

The Lone Survivor Foundation restores, empowers, and renews hope for our wounded service members and their families through health, wellness, and therapeutic support.

The Need

Overseas deployments and combat action can take a serious toll on everyone involved – from the men and women on the front lines to the friends and families who wait patiently for their loved ones to return home. Transitioning to post-military life, whether wounded in combat or simply adjusting to the civilian sector, will often cause difficulty for the service member and his or her family. We are here to help America's wounded service members and their families adjust to the effects of their experiences by providing an understanding and acceptance of who they are as a person, a family, and a community.

Attend a Retreat

Our retreats are free to service members diagnosed with combat related PTSD, mTBI or military sexual trauma, as well as their families! Click below to learn more or to apply.

Get Involved

Join us in our mission to restore and renew hope to wounded service members and their families! Click below to learn how.

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