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Judicial Nominations and Confirmations: 109th Congress

The following judicial nominations were confirmed during the 109th Congress (2005-2006):

Supreme Court

2. Samuel A. Alito, Associate Justice
January 31, 2006 (vote: 58-42)
1. John G. Roberts, Chief Justice
September 29, 2005 (vote: 78-22)
Circuit Court

16. Kent A. Jordan, Third Circuit
December 8, 2006 (vote: 91-0)
15. Kimberly Ann Moore, Federal Circuit
September 5, 2006 (vote: 92-0)
14. Jerome A. Holmes, Tenth Circuit
July 25, 2006 (vote: 67-30)
13. Neil M. Gorsuch, Tenth Circuit July 20, 2006 (voice vote)
12. Bobby E. Shepherd, Eighth Circuit
July 20, 2006 (voice vote)
11. Sandra Segal Ikuta, Ninth Circuit June 19, 2006 (vote: 81-0)
10. Brett Kavanaugh, District of Columbia Circuit May 26, 2006 (vote: 57- 36)
9. Milan Smith, Ninth Circuit
May 16, 2006 (vote: 93-0)
8. Michael Chagares, Third Circuit April 4, 2006 (vote: 98-0)
7. Susan Bieke Neilson, Sixth Circuit October 27, 2005 (vote: 97-0)
6. Thomas B. Griffith, DC Circuit
June 14, 2005 (vote: 73-24)
5. Richard A. Griffin, Sixth Circuit June 9, 2005 (vote: 95-0)
4. David W. McKeague, Sixth Circuit
June 9, 2005 (vote: 96-0)
3. William H. Pryor, Jr., Eleventh Circuit
June 9, 2005 (vote: 53-45)
2. Janice Rogers Brown, District of Columbia Circuit
June 8, 2005 (vote: 56-43)
1. Priscilla Owen, Fifth Circuit
May 25, 2005 (vote: 55-43)

District Court

36. Francisco Augusto Besosa, D Puerto Rico September 25, 2006 (vote: 87-0)
35. Frances Marie Tydingco-Gatewood, D Guam
August 6, 2006 (voice vote)
34. Gustavo Antonio Gelpi, D Puerto Rico July 20, 2006 (voice vote)
33. Daniel Porter Jordan III, SD Michigan July 20, 2006 (voice vote)
32. Frank D. Whitney, WD North Carolina June 22, 2006 (voice vote)
31. Andrew J. Guilford, CD California
June 22, 2006 (vote: 93-0)
30. Thomas L. Ludington, ED Michigan June 8, 2006 (voice vote)
29. Sean F. Cox, ED Michigan June 8, 2006 (voice vote)
28. Peter Sheridan, D New Jersey
June 8, 2006 (vote: 98-0)
27. Noel Hillman, D New Jersey June 8, 2006 (vote: 98-0)
26. Renee M. Bumb, D New Jersey June 6, 2006 (vote: 89-0)
25. Susan Davis Wigenton, D New Jersey May 26, 2006 (voice vote)
24. Thomas M. Golden, ED Pennsylvania
May 4, 2006 (vote: 96-0)
23. Brian M. Cogan, ED New York May 4, 2006 (vote: 95-0 )
22. Michael Barrett, SD Ohio
May 1, 2006 (vote: 90-0)
21. Patrick Joseph Schiltz, D Minnesota
April 26, 2006 (voice vote)
20. Gray Hampton Miller, SD Texas
April 25, 2006 (vote: 93-0)
19. Jack Zouhary, ND Ohio
March 16, 2006 (vote: 96-0)
18. Stephen G. Larson, CD California March 16, 2006 (voice vote)
17. Aida M. Delgado-Colon, D Puerto Rico March 6, 2006 (voice vote)
16. Thomas E. Johnston, SD West Virginia
March 6, 2006 (vote: 89-0)
15. Timothy C. Batten, ND Georgia
March 6, 2006 (vote: 88-0)
14. Timothy Mark Burgess, D Arkansas December 21, 2005 (voice vote)
13. Joseph Frank Bianco, ED New York
December 21, 2005 (voice vote)
12. Gregory F. Van Tatenhove, ED Kentucky December 21, 2005 (voice vote)
11. Kristi Dubose, SD Alabama December 21, 2005 (voice vote)
10. Virginia Mary Kendall, ND Illinois December 21, 2005 (voice vote)
9. W. Keith Watkins, MD Alabama December 21, 2005 (voice vote)
8. Eric Nicholas Vitaliano, ED New York December 21, 2005 (voice vote)
7. John Richard Smoak, ND Florida October 27, 2005 (vote: 97-0)
6. Brian Edward Sandoval, D Nevada October 24, 2005 (vote: 89-0)
5. Harry Sandlin Mattice, Jr., ED Tennessee October 24, 2005 (vote: 91-0)
4. James C. Dever, ED North Carolina April 28, 2005 (voice vote)
3. Robert J. Conrad, Jr., WD North Carolina April 28, 2005 (voice vote)
2. Michael Seabright, D Hawaii April 27, 2005 (vote: 98-0)
1. Paul A. Crotty, SD New York April 11, 2005 (vote: 95-0)

Court of International Trade

1. Leo Maury Gordon March 13, 2006 (vote: 82-0)

Did You Know?  The longest serving members in the history of the Senate have served on the Judiciary Committee: Senator Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia served as Senator from Jan. 3, 1959, until June 28, 2010, and served on the Committee from Jan. 14, 2969, until Jan. 3, 1980; Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina served as Senator from Dec. 24, 1954, until April 4, 1956, and from Nov. 7, 1956, until Jan. 3, 2003, and served on the Committee from Jan. 16, 1967, until Jan. 3, 2003; and Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts served as Senator From Nov. 7, 1962, until Aug. 25., 2009, and served on the Committee from Feb. 15, 1963, until Jan. 21, 2009.


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