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U.S. Corn Use by Market Year

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Seed 23.744999999999997 21.841 21.945 22.337 23 24.41 25
Alcohol for beverages 135.82 135.3998672 134 134 135 135 137.21
Cereals and food 190.422 192.4 192.1 193.663 197 200.7 205
Starch 276.90291211 264.66435056 234.094 250.437 257.926 253.715 235
Glucose and dextrose 259.40789209 255.96262941 245.123 257.284 272.379 294.402 285
High-fructose corn syrup 535.32616075 522.76879366 489.064 512.125 521.055 512.744 465
Feed and residual use 5540.132 5857.7390000000005 5181.855 5124.703 4792.9349999999995 4561.682000000001 4150
Exports 2125.369 2437.402 1848.9470000000001 1980.0230000000001 1834.167 1543 1150
Alcohol for fuel 2119.4938519 3049.2140741 3708.88904 4591.157 5021.214 5000 4500
Notes: "Residual" in the "Feed/Residual" category includes handling losses, unreported use, and estimating errors. Total used does not equal total produced, due to stock changes. Market Year starts in September of the given year and ends in August of the next year.
The amount of corn consumed by Americans (directly and processed) remains relatively constant every year at approximately 1,400 million bushels a year. The amount of corn devoted to exports, animal feed, and alcohol for fuel is more variable. These three seem to absorb the reduction during drought years, such as 2012, and seem to be interchangeable as alcohol has displaced an increasing amount of animal feed and exports in recent years.