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Jan 17 2013

Don't give up on tax reform

By: Sen. Rob Portman

"Today, three years into the weakest recovery on record, the American economy is still sputtering. Twenty million people are jobless or underemployed, and fewer jobs were created last year than the year before. Median family income is at its lowest level since 1995."
“This week, we were sad to learn not only that unemployment remains high, but also that the economy actually shrunk in the most recent quarter."
U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., joined his Republican colleagues on the Senate Budget Committee in sending a letter to new Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray asking for a vigorous hearing and mark-up schedule that would result in the passage of a budget.
When the U.S. Senate resumes business next week, U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) will introduce two tools to strengthen conservatives’ leverage and provide a pathway forward to real spending cuts during the debates over raising the debt ceiling and extending the Continuing Resolution (CR)
Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa today made the following comment on the President’s nomination of Jacob Lew as Treasury secretary. Grassley is a senior member and former chairman and ranking member of the Finance Committee, which will consider the nomination.
The American people cannot raise their credit limit when they max out. The Federal government must cut spending. #idpol #debtceiling
The White House will be late again in delivering a budget to Congress. The American people deserve better. http://ow.ly/gOcMU
@SenatorEnzi: Budget Committee job is to produce a budget. If committees were allowed to do their job more problems would be solved. 