From Shipping Crate to Shed

From Shipping Crate to Shed

A local resident on Manus Island built this shed/office out of the wooden shipping crate that contained the ARM site's new Ka-band antenna.

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Uploaded on Feb 1, 2013


Recycling an Old Radar Antenna

Recycling an Old Radar Antenna

When the millimeter-wavelength cloud radar on Manus Island was upgraded, engineers scrapped the old...

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Uploaded on Feb 1, 2013


Recycling an Old Radar Antenna

Recycling an Old Radar Antenna

A local youngster on Manus Island poses with an old radar antenna. When ARM upgraded its radars and...

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Uploaded on Feb 1, 2013


In Front of the W-Band ARM Cloud Radar

In Front of the W-Band ARM Cloud Radar

In preparation for the second phase of the Two-Column Aerosol Project at Cape Cod, Brookhaven and Los...

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Uploaded on Jan 28, 2013


AMS 2013 New Fellows

AMS 2013 New Fellows

Dr. Wanda Ferrell, DOE ARM Facility Program Director (front row, fifth from right) joined the new class of...

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Uploaded on Jan 24, 2013


AMS 2013

AMS 2013

A record crowd of more than 3,300 scientists from academia, government, and private organizations gathered...

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Uploaded on Jan 24, 2013


AMS 2013

AMS 2013

Dr. Wanda Ferrell, ARM Facility Program Director, was pleased to see familiar faces at the AMS award...

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Uploaded on Jan 24, 2013


AMS 2013

AMS 2013

Dr. Wanda Ferrell received the prestigious “Cleveland Abbe Award for Distinguished Service to Atmospheric...

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Uploaded on Jan 24, 2013


AMS 2013

AMS 2013

At the Wednesday night awards banquet of the 2013 AMS Annual Meeting, Dr. Wanda Ferrell (left) was joined...

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Uploaded on Jan 24, 2013


AMS 2013 ARM Facility Poster

AMS 2013 ARM Facility Poster

Jimmy Voyles shares the ARM Facility with an interested researcher at his poster "ARM Climate...

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Uploaded on Jan 24, 2013


AMS 2013 Results from ISDAC

AMS 2013 Results from ISDAC

A researcher used ARM data from the ISDAC field campaign to present his findings in "Modeling of Ice...

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Uploaded on Jan 24, 2013


AMS 2013 Poster Session

AMS 2013 Poster Session

Hundreds of poster presentations were made throughout the week of the 93rd AMS Annual Meeting in Austin,...

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Uploaded on Jan 24, 2013


AMS 2013 Exhibits

AMS 2013 Exhibits

Nearly 100 exhibitors participated in the 2013 AMS Annual Meeting over the course of four days. The...

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Uploaded on Jan 24, 2013


AMS 2013 in Texas

AMS 2013 in Texas

Austin, the state capital of Texas, hosted just over 3,300 participants at the 93rd AMS annual meeting,...

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Uploaded on Jan 24, 2013


AMS 2013 in Austin

AMS 2013 in Austin

Known for its live music scene, Austin came alive with science January 6-10, 2013, as it hosted the 93rd AMS Annual Meeting.

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Uploaded on Jan 24, 2013

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AMS 2013

AMS 2013

At the Wednesday night awards banquet of the 2013 AMS Annual Meeting, Dr. Wanda Ferrell was surrounded by...

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Uploaded on Jan 24, 2013


AMS 2013 at Night

AMS 2013 at Night

Renowned for its live music, Austin nightlife is framed with bright city lights on many of its buildings....

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Uploaded on Jan 24, 2013


AMS 2013 Cleveland Abbe Award

AMS 2013 Cleveland Abbe Award

Wanda Ferrell, DOE ARM Facility Program Director, received the Cleveland Abbe Award from AMS President...

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Uploaded on Jan 24, 2013


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