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Reserve Support Unit/Deployment Processing Command

Camp Pendleton

Camp Pendleton, CA
Demobilization Overview

Demobilization is a simple process here at Camp Talega and usually takes an average of about six days to complete, depending on the individual issues of the service member. As with the Mobilization page, this page is intended to give mobilized Marines and Sailors an idea of what to expect from the demobilization process.

It covers what to expect from the time that you receive your notification of demobilization from your Gaining Force Command (GFC) through to the end of your check-out of the Camp Pendleton DPC back to the civilian community.

The information is broken down into the following sections:

Preparatory Actions at GFC
Check-out Stations
Sample Schedule
TAP/TAMP and Pre-Separation Counseling

Preparatory Actions at GFC

In order to ensure that the individual is fully ready to demobilize, the following should be done at their GFC before arriving at DPC:

  1. All Medical/Dental issues must be resolved before reporting in to the DPC. Member will arrive physically qualified for separation or approved Physical Evaluation Board findings allowing separation. Medical/Dental records will be in hand when reporting in.
  2. Pay/ Per Diem problems handled before checking in for demobilization
  3. A copy of all reporting orders and endorsements in hand that were issued during current mobilization.
  4. SRB/OQR will be in hand when reporting in.
  5. Complete all required Fitness Reports, Pro/Cons (Cpl and below), Awards, and Training information prior to reporting in.

Check-out stations

During the demobilization check-out process, you will go through many of the same stations that you went through during your mobilization process. These stations are:

  1. Administration (ID Cards, Orders)
  2. Pay/Travel
  3. Medical/Dental
  4. Out Briefs
  5. Supply (if applicable)
  6. Separations

Sample Schedule

This sample schedule is only a guide, different factors may affect actual demobilization schedule (i.e.; medical issues)

Day one:
  • SRB, Admin (review and begin join and transfer paperwork preparations)
  • Commanding officer's brief and welcome
  • Warrior transition brief (if applicable)
  • Lunch
  • Medical forms & labs
  • Dental screening

    Day two:
  • Briefs - benefits as a reservist (VA, TAP, ESGR, Tri-Care, M4L, Active Duty opportunities)
  • Gear turn in
  • Lunch
  • Gear turn in
  • Consolidated issue facility

    Day three:
  • Separations
  • Lunch
  • Medical physicals

    Day four:
  • - ID cards
  • - Pay 1351-2
  • - Lunch
  • - Travel claim class

    Day five:
  • Distribute rough DD-214
  • Itinerary
  • Exit interviews
  • Lunch
  • Final check-out through Station #1 (processing)

    Day six:
  • Distribute DD214/15, orders, tickets
  • Exit interviews
  • Turn in linen
  • Lunch
  • Departure to home of record

    TAP/TAMP and Pre-Separation Counseling

    In order to ensure that the individual has been counseled on their available benefits after demobilizing, the following is provided:

    DOD Directive Transition Assistance for Military Personnel

    Preseparation Counseling for Military Personnel

    DOD Transition Assistance Program

    Preseparation Guide with errata

    This formed is required by law to be filled out by each Mobilized Reservist separating from Active Duty.
    DD Form 2648-1 Preseparation Counseling Checklist for Reserve Component Members Released from Active Duty