Datastream : MWACR

Marine W-band (95 GHz) ARM Cloud Radar

Active Dates
2012.11.01 - 2013.01.08

Measurement Categories
Cloud Properties

Originating Instrument
Marine W-Band (95 GHz) ARM Cloud Radar (MWACR)


Only measurements considered scientifically relevant are shown below by default.

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Measurement Units Variable
Altitude above mean sea level m alt ( time )
Base time in Epoch seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00 base_time
Receiver gain estimated from noise source measurements using Y-factor method dB gain ( time )
GPS-determined velocity vectory heading angle deg gps_heading ( time )
GPS timestamp time gps_timestamp ( time, gps_string_len )
GPS-determined velocity km/hour gps_velocity ( time )
Ship heave displacement along vertical axis, positive upward m heave ( time )
Ship heave acceleration along vertical axis, positive upward m/s^2 heave_acceleration ( time )
Ship heave velocity along vertical axis, positive upward m/s heave_velocity ( time )
Range to center of measurement volume meters height ( height )
Range to measurement volume meters heights ( heights )
North latitude degree_N lat ( time )
East longitude degree_E lon ( time )
Mean Doppler velocity meters per second mean_doppler_velocity ( time, heights )
Receiver noise figure estimated from noise source measurements using Y-factor method. dB noise_figure ( time )
Total sky noise power prior to spectrum computation mW noise_power_sky ( time )
Noise power spectral density in spectra when viewing antenna port mW noise_sky ( time )
Ship pitch, axis starboard-to-port, positive is bow up deg pitch ( time )
Polarization mode, 0=copol, 1=xpol none polarization ( time )
Quality check results on field: Mean Doppler velocity unitless qc_mean_doppler_velocity ( time, heights )
Quality check results on field: Equivalent reflectivity factor unitless qc_reflectivity ( time, heights )
Quality check results on field: Spectrum width unitless qc_spectral_width ( time, heights )
Quality check results on field: Time offset from midnight unitless qc_time ( time )
Equivalent reflectivity factor dBZ reflectivity ( time, heights )
Ship roll, axis along ship length, positive is port up deg roll ( time )
Signal to noise ratio dB signal_to_noise_ratio ( time, height )
Spectrum width m/s spectral_width ( time, heights )
Ship surge displacement along ship length, positive forward. m surge ( time )
Ship surge acceleration along ship length, positive forward m/s^2 surge_acceleration ( time )
Ship surge velocity along ship length, positive forward. m/s surge_velocity ( time )
ship sway, starboard-to-port displacement, positive to port m sway ( time )
Ship sway acceleration starboard-to-port, positive to port m/s^2 sway_acceleration ( time )
Ship sway velocity, starboard-to-port displacement, positive to port m/s sway_velocity ( time )
Time offset from midnight time ( time )
Time offset from base_time time_offset ( time )
Ship yaw, axis vertical, positive is clockwise rotation deg yaw ( time )


  • ARM Mobile Facility (MAG)
    • Los Angeles, CA to Honolulu, HI - container ship Horizon Spirit (M1)