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USAID pledges for long term assistance to Afghanistan

KABUL: United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has made commitment to continue its aid, even after implementation of transition with the government of Afghanistan.

Implementation of security transition has created anxieties among Afghan people over the drawdown of US donation and the people believe that along with the end of transition process, the US aid will be declined or stopped with Afghanistan, but today USAID announced the after the end of transition its assistance will continue with the government of Afghanistan.

Dr. Ken Yamashita USAID Director in Afghanistan addressing at a press conference under the title of “Peace and Development” here on Saturday said that support of Afghan government for frequently development is crucial step and the USAID assistance will be lasted with the government of Afghanistan and particularly the Ministries of Education, Agriculture, Rural Development and Public Health, which are the main basis of progress.

He stated that the USAID’s cooperation in development projects will endure and will help the government to increase its products and boost its exports.

US Ambassador Olson said that economic development in Afghanistan is the important issue that is the goal of US and Afghan government.

Farooq Wardak Minister of Education, while admiring well cooperation of USAID and The Commander’s Emergency Response Program aids with the government said that budget allocation on war and bleeding will be not useful, but on development and education will realize more achievement.

The aim of the conference was motivation of US government to continue and enhance its assistance for fundamental development of Afghanistan.

Economic development can be one of the useful ways to deal with insecurity challenges across the country as well, he noted.

He highlighted that the education projects were ran and managed by the Ministry of Education (MoE), which totally cost $41,6 million dollar and adding that the projects included school, dormitory  buildings, literacy courses, training programs and so on across the country.

Likewise Ministers of Agriculture, Rural and Development, Public Health and Kabul Mayor voiced their pleasure over well shining of USAID in economic development and running of different projects in the capital and 33 provinces and they asked the US organizations to have further cooperation with the government of Afghanistan for more progress in various fields.

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