Entire DOD workforce faces furlough threat

Entire DOD workforce faces furlough threat

Panetta supports furloughs rather than firings in response to possible budget cuts mandated by sequestration.

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Fiscal cliff leaves contractors guessing

Fiscal cliff leaves contractors guessing

Uncertainty surrounding the movements by Congress ahead of the sequestration deadline has paralyzed many in the defense industry to include the work force.

comments: 32

Phantom bombers weigh down military budget

Phantom bombers weigh down military budget

Listing 141 nuclear capable bombers in Air Force’s fleet requires costs even though only 60 remain ready for nuclear missions.

comments: 68

Fiscal cliff, defense sequestration draws closer

Fiscal cliff, defense sequestration draws closer

Countdown continues as defense leaders wait to see if the Pentagon will be forced to absorb the $500 billion cut mandated under sequestration.

comments: 48

Spotlight returns to missile defense

Spotlight returns to missile defense

The new defense strategy and the success of Iron Dome has put the focus back on missile defense in the U.S.

comments: 31

Hagel offers combat edge to SecDef post

Hagel offers combat edge to SecDef post

If nominated by President Obama, former U.S. Sen. Chuck Hagel would become one of the few defense secretary to serve in combat.

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