Submission Number: 00069 

Received: 10/13/2012 10:25:27 PM
Commenter: Bill Border
State: Florida

Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Initiative: Proposed Consent Agreement In the Matter of DesignerWare, LLC; FTC File No. 1123151
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
People are so stupid and so are the board members at the FTC that voted for this. I can only tell you that whoever investigated this went “off hook-line-and-sinker” thinking that rental dealers spy on consumers. I can only suspect they are trying for a promotion and thought that this would be a way of getting points for one. Let me set the record straight on this, I have used this software for over 3 years and YOU CANNOT install the software that gathers any data until you get licensed for it and YOU REPORT THE COMPUTER STOLEN. It is ONLY reported stolen when the person that was renting it says such or when they stop paying and have moved and we do NOT know where they are at and they did NOT return the computer (in which case we would have sent them a certified letter and exhausted all means to locate them first). I think that if the board at the FTC is going to vote on something that they should know exactly what they are voting on. You need to ask the company that wrote this software for a demo copy so you can see exactly what you have stated publicly is wrong. The other thing that I find amazing out of all this is there are NO consumer complaints before you printed your study. Did you not ask yourself why? The reason is because it is very hard to complain about a rental store when you are stealing their property.