Submission Number: 00048 

Received: 10/5/2012 11:05:13 AM
Commenter:  Gregory
State: Colorado

Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Initiative: Proposed Consent Agreement In the Matter of DesignerWare, LLC; FTC File No. 1123151
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
I’m shocked that you claim you stopped spying in the rental industry but only restrict the design ware product. I called rent a center where I got my computer from and they inform me that they don’t use that product but use something else. The store employee what not say what they use, but only said they used something else. A quick Google and I found Norton, Absolute, and Hightouch which all make similar products. Norton and Absolute do NOT mention rent a center, but Hightouch mentions them as a customer so I can only assume they use that product. There are others too, many more, but these are the three that I find. I don’t see how restricting two individuals and their small company stops any of this at all. Does design ware own these other companies; if they do I cannot find that. So to me, you’ve done nothing to stop any of this. All you’ve done is stopped one small company which doesn’t even seem to be the industry leader in this area. Meanwhile 99% of the industry goes unchanged and just uses something else.