Submission Number: 00037 

Received: 9/30/2012 10:16:42 PM
Commenter: Hen Blancher
State: Utah

Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Initiative: Proposed Consent Agreement In the Matter of DesignerWare, LLC; FTC File No. 1123151
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
Last year my laptop was stolen and the police refused to do anything about it. I knew who took it, but they said I had no proof. It was my ex-husband but, they said they asked him and he denied having it. I went to my rental store where I was renting it and they said I still had to pay for it. However, if I agreed to it, they’d turn on the webcam and see who was using it. I agreed, but had little hope because I thought that by now he’d sold it to support his drug habit. A few days later they call me up and show me pictures of him using my computer. We call the police and my computer was recovered. I will NEVER ever have a computer that does NOT have this software loaded. H. Blancher