Submission Number: 00036 

Received: 9/30/2012 10:03:49 PM
Commenter:  Belson
State: California

Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Initiative: Proposed Consent Agreement In the Matter of DesignerWare, LLC; FTC File No. 1123151
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
I’m writing this to inform you that this settlement is wrong and does NOT address anything. It only addresses your impression of what goes on. I have been a customer at the local rental store for years. The manager there informed me in writing that I could be tracked and I agreed to it. Matter of fact, I insisted on it because their competitor down the street had no way to protect my investment. I rented a new laptop for my daughter who went off to college and while there she was brutally attacked one night; raped and beaten. To badly beaten to identify her attacker, fortunately Aaron’s had this tracking software. They took pictures of the person using my daughter’s computer and located it. I will NEVER rent anything from anyone that does NOT have this software loaded. Where’s my daughter’s rights? Why are you protecting criminals like these? It is a sad day to think that we are more concerned with the rights of criminals then the rights of daughter, myself, and my family. I think you ALL need to read the Constitution of these United States and realize we have freedom of choice.