Submission Number: 00013 

Received: 9/27/2012 4:52:43 PM
Commenter: Steve Cupp
State: Florida

Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Initiative: Proposed Consent Agreement In the Matter of DesignerWare, LLC; FTC File No. 1123151
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
An agreement to stop acting so is not an acceptable punishment for miscreant and obviously criminal behavior. The acts described in this complaint appear to run afoul of federal wiretapping, computer crime, and surveillance, and identity theft laws. These acts go far beyond unfair or deceptive acts; this is willful and flagrant lawbreaking on a grand scale. It is unconscionable that the FTC is not pushing for massive fines and criminal penalties; this settlement contract provides absolutely no consideration to the American people. In an age when individuals can receive multimillion dollar statutory damage claims for sharing a dozen music files over the Internet, these defendants should be losing homes and facing jail time. This settlement appears to be nothing more than complete acquiescence by the FTC, or utter and total incompetence. Is this the same FTC that believes privacy laws should be extended to browser plug-ins? Does anyone at this office even care about their job?