Submission Number: 00012 

Received: 9/26/2012 5:53:14 PM
Commenter:  Didenko
State: Illinois

Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Initiative: Proposed Consent Agreement In the Matter of DesignerWare, LLC; FTC File No. 1123151
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
Absolutely useless and damaging settlement, which outrages any thinking person. It contains significant misrepresentations. For example, it claims to "ban them from using deception to gather any information from consumers". I do not think it is true, because it is not the settlement, but consumer protection laws, which this companies broke, ban such activities. The settlement is damaging for the society, as the criminal activity does not result in any material consequences for the offending companies. Which means that others to come feel it is an acceptable no1-risk attitude to break consumer protection laws.