Submission Number: 00006 

Received: 9/26/2012 6:52:32 AM
Commenter: Keith Rose
State: Illinois

Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Initiative: Proposed Consent Agreement In the Matter of DesignerWare, LLC; FTC File No. 1123151
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
Any licensing entity of this software should be immediately audited to determine if the "Detective Mode" was used unlawfuly to invade customers privacy In the event that there were such uses the victims should be notified to enable civil actions to be taken and the perpetrators should be criminally charged to the fullest extent possible under the law with each and every infraction as a seperate count. The principals of DesignWare, LLC shjould be chargted with aiding and abbeting in each of these counts. No settlement which does not involve criminal charges for every case of wrongdoing together with severe fines and penalties can be considered to be even remotely reasonable in this case. Every detail of the investigation needs to be made public to allow the visctims to file for civil relief from this wrongdoing.