U.S. Representative Ed Royce

39th District of California

Rep. Royce Honored with “Taxpayers’ Friend Award”
Earns 2nd Highest Score in the House of Representatives

Washington, Apr 4, 2012 - Today, the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) honored Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) with the "Taxpayers' Friend Award" for his outstanding pro-taxpayer voting record last year.  Royce earned the second highest score in the House of Representatives for his efforts to defend overburdened taxpayers.

"Thanks to his solid pro-taxpayer voting record, Representative Ed Royce has finished at or near the top of NTU Rates Congress for many years throughout his career," NTU President Duane Parde said.  "If more lawmakers had voted as carefully as Royce, current and future generations of taxpayers would be able to reap the benefits of a limited, efficient, and effective government. While others in Congress have stood idly by as Washington bungles the nation's finances, Royce has shown the everyday leadership to secure the prosperity taxpayers deserve." 
The award is given to Representatives and Senators who achieve an “A” grade in NTU’s annual Rating of Congress. The Rating, which is based on every roll call vote affecting fiscal policy, assigns a “Taxpayer Score” to each Member of Congress that indicates his or her support for reducing or controlling federal spending, taxes, debt, and regulation.

"We are drowning in red-ink and our debt now exceeds the size of our economy.  The solution isn't more spending and more borrowing.  I will continue to work to reign in out-of-control government spending to get our economy on solid footing," Royce said.

“Royce's pro-taxpayer score of 92 percent was one of the best in the entire Congress,” Parde continued. “By casting principled votes for limited government time and again, Royce has led by example in the fight to defend overburdened taxpayers across the country.”


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