• General Information
  • Bus Safety
  • Activity Bus
  • Inclement Weather

School bus section supervisor

Phone Ext: DSN 423-4013 / 065 44 4013
Customer help line:DSN 423-2000 + enter 6033/ 065 44 2000 + enter 6033

Opening hours:

Monday - Friday: 09:15h - 11:15h and 13:30h - 14:30h and 16:00h - 16:30h

Opening hours during school holidays: Monday - Friday: 09:15h - 11:30h and 13:30h - 15:30h

Sphere of operation

a. Before selecting a House or a flat, please check the location of the nearest school bus service bus-stop with us in our office, Avenue de Sofia, building 710. (the same building as the International School Cafeteria)
b. Please note – not all villages or inhabitated areas in this area are served by the school bus service.
c. There is no door to door service.
d. The school bus service is open for any child who at minimum is five (5) years old or children who will be five (5) years old in the next three months.

Who has to register (or re-register)

a.All newcomers and parents whose children are already living here, and whose children have never used the school bus, but want to use it during the School year need to register.
b. Parents with children already registered for this School year and whose children require the school bus service again in the next school year need to re-register in the Spring.

What do I need?

a. Military personnel need their SHAPE ID card.
b. Civilian personnel need a Certificate of Assignment from their appropriate NMR or supporting nation. Without this certificate we have to send you an invoice that you are personally responsible for.

How much I have to pay for the school bus service?

The school bus service is paid by seven participating nations. If you are a member of one of these nations you don't have to pay for the school bus service.

For more information ask your support unit. If you enroll your child in the U.S. school sections and you have to pay the school fees (for example like NATO Civilians), than the fees for the school bus service are also paid.

All others are individual payers.

Where do I need to go?

School bus section is located: Avenue de Sofia, Building 710

Customer help line

In case of adverse weather conditions or any delays caused by technical problems with the bus or traffic jams, you could receive current information on our customer help line.

Adverse conditions

Sometimes there will be an occasion that the bus could have some delays or has been cancelled, usually caused by traffic jam, road works or bad weather conditions. When this happens and a bus has not arrived 15 minutes after the normal pickup time, parents must make their own arrangements to get their children to school.

Customers help line. Ext. 065/44-6033

Bus Safety

  1. In Europe, traffic is not required to stop for loading and unloading school buses.
  2. Children must follow the following life-saving rule: Never cross the street in front of or behind the bus.

Safety Videos

Bus Behavior Rules

  1. Obey the driver or bus attendant.
  2. Enter and exit the bus safely and always show your bus pass.
  3. Stay properly seated and if fitted fasten your seat belt until the bus is at a halt.
  4. Keep your hands, feet and other body parts to yourself.
  5. Do not throw things.
  6. Put nothing out of the window.
  7. Remain quiet and do not disturb the driver or others.
  8. No profanity, indecency, smoking, prohibited items or vandalism.
  9. Do not eat, drink or chew gum. ( the children are authorized to drink water)
  10. Be responsible, be safe. Do not prepare your home works on the bus. ( the children are authorized to read on bus)

Activity Bus

Activity busses will be provided for students enrolled in the Secondary Section who are participating in legitimate after-school activites. This does not include detention or in-school suspension. Students will be dropped off at strategic locations througout the SHAPE area (not door-to-door). At least five students must be on the bus for it to travel the designated route.

Activity bus passes are issued for each sports season. Students must request a new bus pass at the beginning of each season; coaches will provide information about deadlines and forms when the season starts.

The following phone numbers are for the Activity Bus and the Special Needs Transportation Program for inquiries, cancellations, etc.

  • 0049-2451-632213 during duty hours
  • 0049-162-234-1786 after duty hours (Emergencies Only)

Inclement Weatehr

There are times when heavy snow or freezing rain will result in SHAPE International School being closed. This is always because SIS has decided that it is not safe to operate.

The following methods are used to inform families about school closure:

  1. AFN SHAPE (106,5 FM) radio and RTBF HT-VIVACITE (92,3 FM) will broadcast the closure between 06.30-08.00 hrs, repeating this message every 15 minutes.
  2. Parents can call 065/44-2000 + enter 6033 for the bus office. An automated message on their answer phone will inform you if the buses are not running.
  3. SHAPE2DAY website will also display school closure information.

U.S. Army Europe Road Conditions