Osan American High School
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Adjusting to modern threats to cyber security, CyberPatriot teaches students how to thoroughly protect computers and networks ranging from personal home networks, to the more complex business and military networks. 
With the aid of true military “Cyber-Warriors as mentors, CyberPatriot instills safe online and technical habits as well as teaching responsible use and application of learned skills. CyberPatriot is sponsored by the Air Force Association [AFA] and is managed by OAHS’ AFJROTC program. CyberPatriot is open to all students in the school who have an interest in learning real world skills that are in high demand in today’s job markets.


Drama Club

The drama department provides the opportunity for students to artistically shine in theatrical setting.  Three events occur every year:  There is a fall production (usually a one-act play), Drama Far East (Only 12 students are chosen for this event), and a Spring Production (often, small skits are presented or, if possible, a musical).   Participation in these productions is done through an audition process.


Freshman Class Council

This activity is open to all incoming freshman.  Class officers are elected in the fall and serve for the entire school year.  They are expected to maintain a 2.5 GPA.  We also elect a class representative who serves as our class representative on the OAHS Student Council.  It is our belief that all students should be involved in our school and that the sooner we include freshman in this process the better! Freshman Friday lunch, a T-shirt design contest, participating in teacher appreciation week, and selling Root Beer Floats; have made the first year of High School extra special for these students.


Junior Science and Humanities Symposium
Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS) is a competitive science enrichment opportunity for students in ninth through twelfth grades. Those students who gave developed exceptional independent science research projects are offered the opportunity to apply for JSHS in December. The students, guided by the mentor/sponsor, write a well-documented science research paper must follow the published formats in order to be submitted to the reading committee, a committee of volunteer judges - all practicing scientist. The students are notified in late February of acceptance or rejection. Those selected meet with the sponsor to discuss their work and prepare for the Regional Junior Science and Humanities Symposium. The students travel to Japan for five days, usually in March, where they compete with other DoDDS Pacific students in presenting their research projects. In Japan, the students also have the opportunity to tour science research facilities, an aquarium, and museums. Most expenses for the trip are paid by the Pacific JSHS. The top three winners of the regional JSHS are awarded with scholarships and the opportunity to compete in the National JSHS in April.


Model United Nations
Imagine a conference room filled with world delegates in an animated debate about a pressing global issue. On the podium is the United Nation's seal and gavel, an on the delegates' desks are placards bearing different countries' names placed side by side with their corresponding flag emblems. This is not the United Nations' headquarters, however. Neither are these delegates natives of the countries they are representing. This is the Model United Nations, and the participants you see in the midst of this serious discussion are but high school students coming from various schools in the school district. Model United Nations simulates how the United Nations' delegates come together to create solutions and make decisions regarding world issues. Through role play, students, with their insights and perspectives, become active participants in the simulated international decision-making thereby improving their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Model United Nations is undoubtedly the perfect venue to demonstrate that the voices of the youth matter and make sense.

Jazz Band is an activity for students to participate in a performance-based organization which plays jazz music in a typical "Big Band" setting. Students who play Alto, Tenor, and Baritone Saxophone; Trumpet; Trombone; Piano; Bass; Guitar; or Drums are encouraged to join. Practice is held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 0730 until 0815. Usually the jazz band performs with other school organizations in the winter program and again in the spring. The band also performs for other occasions as well, such as pep rallies and lunch-time concerts. Students who elect to be in this band must show proficiency on their instrument as it is not open to beginners.
Concert Band is an activity for students to participate in a performance-based organization which plays various types of band music. Sometimes the band plays for pep rallies and unscheduled concerts while the band also performs in a traditional concert setting in December and again in the spring. This organization is open to all students in intermediate and advanced bands as well as students who are not able to fit these courses in their class selections because of conflicts in scheduling.
Both of these organizations can permit student in grades 9-12 to audition for the Far East Jazz Festival and Far East Honor Music Festival held during November and April, respectively, each school year.

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National Honor Society  NHS logo.jpg
The National Honor Society (NHS) serves as representatives for the student body of Osan American High School by promoting high academics and service to community in conjunction with school administration, faculty, and community wherever possible. We maintain a high standard for membership with requirement for outstanding character, integrity and a minimum GPA of 3.5 and 20 recorded volunteer hours annually.  Student leadership of the NHS are elected officials and include the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, historian, public affairs and parliamentarian. Membership is obtained by invitation, which is based initially on cumulative GPA.  Meeting the minimum GPA opens the door for application each spring.  Applicants must write essays and obtain letters of reference from faculty who can speak to their character, attitude, integrity and potential for contribution to enhancing the Osan Chapter of NHS.  A Faculty Council of six teachers and/or staff review each application packet and a majority vote determines prestigious selection.   Shortly after selections are made, NHS selectees participate in a formal Induction Ceremony where they become full-fledged members. Representatives and all membership have an expectation to participate in all events sponsored by the NHS.


OAHS Student Council
The Student Council acts as the unifier for students of Osan American High School by promoting spirit and cooperation among the school administration, faculty, and community wherever possible. We have many tasks including the duty and responsibility to make recommendations to the administration regarding student policies and activities. We represent every student enrolled in grades 9-12 at Osan American High School. Every member of the student body has the right to express an opinion on any matter pertaining to the student government and any other matter affecting the welfare of the school to and through Student Council. Such opinions may be expressed verbally or in writing through the duly elected representatives of each class or in person at the Student Council meetings.
Student Council is made up of 10-12 students.  Applications for student council including 2 teacher recommendations are accepted within the first two weeks of school and if the number totals over 12, elections are held.  Two representatives and an alternate from each class (freshmen, sophomores, etc.) grades 9-12 are also elected by their classmates during class meetings at the beginning of the Fall Semester each year. These representatives and alternates may also participate in events sponsored by the Student Council.


Student 2 Student
The Student 2 Student Initiative includes the high school Student 2 Student (S2S) and the middle school Junior Student 2 Student (JS2S) programs. Each meets very real transitioning student needs with:

  • Immediate peer credibility
  • Positive peer relationships
  • Valued information

A team from the school provides leadership for training other students on methods to support students who are transitioning to or from their school. The team is composed of an advisor and students. The focus is student-centered, and is student-led, with close supervision.



The yearbook staff creates the school yearbook. All high school students are eligible to take this elective class that writes stories, takes photographs, creates yearbook layouts, and markets yearbooks. It is a lot of demanding work that requires students cover events and complete timely deadlines outside of class, but the experience can be life-changing.

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Last updated: 11/09/2012 Please contact the School for more information and name of sponsor for each activitities.