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Spring ‘10 Meeting

Preservation Technology and Training Board

National Park Service

Draft Agenda

NCPTT Headquarters

Lee H. Nelson Hall

Natchitoches, LA

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

2:00 PM Friends of NCPTT Board Meeting at Nelson Hall

PTT Board arrives in Natchitoches throughout day

6:30 PM DINNER – Dutch treat dinner at Cane River Bar & Grill,

1125 Washington Street, for Friends and PTT Board

Thursday, April 15, 2010: Conference Room, Nelson Hall


9:00 AM Call to Order, Welcome, Introduction of Guests, Opening Remarks,

Certification of Meeting, Agenda, Logistics, Approval of Minutes

Judy Bense, Chair

Robert Sutton, Designated Federal Official (DFO)

Kirk Cordell, Executive Director

9:15 AM State of the National Center

Mr. Cordell

10:15 AM NPS National Report: Program and Budget Outlook

Dr. Sutton
Jon Smith, Asst Associate Director, Cultural Resources

10:45 AM BREAK – catered

11:00 AM Partners Report

Randy Webb, President, Northwestern State University (invited)

Steve Horton, VP & Dean, Northwestern State University

Laura Gates, Superintendent, Cane River Creole NHP

Cynthia Sutton, Executive Director, Cane River NHA

Michael Schuller, APT Liaison

11:45 AM Board Operations: Meeting Dates, Election of Officers

Dr. Bense

Mr. Cordell

12:00 PM LUNCH – catered in the Great Hall

1:00 PM Mobile Apps: Current and Future Projects

Sean Clifford, Web Developer

Debbie Smith, Historic Landscapes Chief

1:45 PM Laboratory Analytical Tools: Acquisitions and Needs

Frank Preusser, PTT Board

Mary Striegel, Materials Research Chief

2:30 PM Sustainability and Preservation Initiative

Robert Silman, PTT Board

Andy Ferrell, Architecture & Engineering Chief

3:15 PM BREAK – catered

3:30 PM Building the Friends Group: Report From the Friends Board

Norman Koonce, PTT Board

Mr. Cordell

4:15 PM Preservation Certificate Programs: SECAC model

Roy Graham, PTT Board

Mr. Ferrell

5:00 PM Adjourn

6:00 PM DRINKS Fort St. Jean Baptiste, 155 Rue Jefferson

7:00 PM DINNER – catered at Prudhomme-Rouquier House, 446 Rue Jefferson

(NCPTT Staff, Partners, Board Members, Spouses Invited)

Friday, April 16, 2010: Conference Room, Nelson Hall

8:30 AM CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST – in conference room

9:00 AM NCPTT’s Research & Training Agenda: New Priorities?

Norman Weiss, PTT Board

Mr. Ferrell

Mrs. Smith

Dr. Striegel

10:00 AM CRADAs, Patents and New Inventions

Dr. Striegel

Curtis Desselles, Resident Inventor

10:45 AM BREAK – catered

11:00 AM Videos, Podcasts: Highlights of the Last Year

Jason Church, Materials Conservator

Mrs. Smith

11:30 AM Preservapedia: Heritage Conservation Wiki

Ed Fitzgerald, Intern

Mr. Ferrell

12:00 PM LUNCH – catered in the Great Hall, Nelson Hall

1:30 PM Depart NCPTT for Hodges Garden

2:30 PM Hodges Garden State Park, Florien, LA

Staff Tour of Rehabilitated Landscape

5:00 PM Depart Hodges Garden for Natchitoches

6:00 PM Arrive Natchitoches

DINNERon your own in Natchitoches (see Restaurant Guide & Map)

Saturday, April 18, 2010

Safe Return Home

Please sign your travel vouchers before you leave so we can reimburse you more quickly!

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One Response to 2010 PTT Board Report

  1. Thanks for posting all this info. It’s important to backup important documents like this, to ensure transparency, keep it up

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