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Research Station

200 W.T. Weaver Blvd.
Asheville, NC
(828) 257-4832
(828) 259-0503 TTY

SRS Publications and Products

The Southern Research Station of the USDA Forest Service produces publications, software, and other electronic media in an effort to make science available to the public. We hope our products will prove useful to those who depend on the natural resources of the South for their livelihood and quality of life.

The Southern Station works with universities, other Government agencies, corporations, and non-government organizations on studies that contribute to the sustainability of southern forest resources.

We employ about 120 research scientists in disciplines ranging from tree physiology to the social sciences, from genetics to landscape ecology. Each year, our scientists' names appear as authors on 500 to 600 journal articles, research papers, resource assessments, handbooks, videotapes, computer programs, and presentations.

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