Fight a Thousand Battles

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August 9, 2010, 5 Comments

By Gerald Posner January 13, 2010 While Google weighs exiting China, a classified FBI report says that country has already developed a massive cyber army attacking the U.S. with “WMD-like” …

The Pond

Long Shrouded in Secrecy, Details Emerge on Spy Agency Called ‘The Pond’

August 4, 2010, 5 Comments

Click here to read the article on Fox News Published July 29, 2010  Associated Press NEW YORK — It was a night in early November during the inf ...


Doubts about U.S. tactics shadow war in Afghanistan

July 23, 2010, 1 Comment

By William M. Welch and Jim Michaels, USA TODAY KALAKAN, Afghanistan — It was nearly nine years ago that Taliban fighters burned everything standing ...


2003 Iraq, 1945 Germany, and 1940 France: Success and Failure in Military Operations

July 13, 2010, 1 Comment

by Cora Sol Goldstein, Ph.D. MILITARY REVIEW July-August 2010 THE IRAQ WAR brought the issue of military occupations to the forefront of American fore ...