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  • MHS Conference Day Three: Training, Families and Voices of Wounded Warriors

    Posted by DCoE Strategic Communications
    February 13, 2012

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    In the opening plenary sessions on day three of the Military Health System Conference, Vice Adm. Matthew Nathan, Navy surgeon general, showed a picture of an amputee service member walking efficiently with prosthetics, hand-in-hand with his family.

    “That dad is missing a leg and an arm but he’s not missing a family,” he said. “Most importantly, that family is not missing him.”

    The future of the Medical Education and Training Campus (METC) was discussed in the presentation “METC Update – FOC and Beyond.” The tri-service, Defense Department health care education campus, located at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, features 60 medical programs, state-of-the-art facilities and more than 24,000 annual graduates. One highlight was the campus’ emphasis to educate students in accordance with their service.

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