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  1. Recent Posts by OthersSee All
    •  Join us and 50+ employers assembled to assist Wounded Warriors and family members. 29-30 October 2012 in SD, CA Wounded Warrior Hiring Fair and Support Conference - San Diego, CA - 29 and 30 October 2012 The Department of the Navy’s 3rd Annual Wounded Warrior Hiring and Support Conference San Diego, CA - 29 and 30 October 2012 http://www.navsea.navy.mil/WWemployment/default.aspx
      Yesterday at 9:46am
    •  DCoE - Defense Centers of Excellence: You are home from deployment, the challenges for your family must be over, right? Actually, kids often say the time after their parent returns home is the toughest part of a deployment for them. Dr. Pam Murphy, a child psychologist at National Center for Telehealth & Technology (T2) explains why and offers tips at http://www.dcoe.health.mil/blog/article.aspx?id=1&postid=419.
      35115 · Yesterday at 4:13am
    •  Have you heard about the Psychological First Aid app from DCoE - Defense Centers of Excellence? It's only available for Apple users right now, but if you have an Apple product, then check it out and let us know what you think. (KT) http://bit.ly/RFym8p
      4171230 · Wednesday at 8:10am
    •  Many Vets and others with PTSD have other medical and mental health issues as well. Depression, TBI, sleep problems, and pain are just some of the challenges they face. That's why we've teamed up with the DCoE - Defense Centers of Excellence to present a talk next week for providers about medication treatment for people with PTSD and other problems. This free online lecture is for healthcare providers. Pass it on!
      44517 · Wednesday at 6:53am
  2. “I didn’t know I had a TBI, I didn’t know what that meant…” Veteran shares with Make the Connection how his tour of duty was a physical and emotional challenge. With help, he now has hope. (SH)
  3. RecommendationsSee All
    • Rando Sudlux
      International 4 days walk of the Belgian army: Open to foreign civilian and military : last week of june 2013. International 2 days walk of the luxembourg army : Open to foreign civilian and military first weekend of june 2013. http://www.marche.lu/& http://www.marche-mesa.be/ these two websites will be updated in 2013
    • Natal de Jesus
    • Dorothy Morson
      Excellent site...
    • Jenni Plym
      www.AboutFaceHealing.org supports DCoE
  4. The assessment and management of dizziness associated with a mild TBI is an algorithm intended to help primary care providers diagnose or provide appropriate referrals for patients complaining of dizziness symptoms following mTBI or a possible mTBI event. Check out this tool and additional new TBI clinical documents at http://www.dcoe.health.mil/ForHealthPros/TBIInformation.aspx. (SH)
    Photo: The assessment and management of dizziness associated with a mild TBI is an algorithm intended to help primary care providers diagnose or provide appropriate referrals for patients complaining of dizziness symptoms following mTBI or a possible mTBI event. Check out this tool and additional new TBI clinical documents at http://www.dcoe.health.mil/ForHealthPros/TBIInformation.aspx. (SH)
  5. Crisis feels different for everybody and can be associated with a wide range of situations. Some service members are coping with stress, anxiety, PTSD, or other effects stemming from their military service. Others may have difficulty with t...
    heir relationships or with the transition back to civilian life. Whatever has got you down, a Military Crisis Line responder can provide support, day or night. Make the call - your life is worth it! (SH)
    See More
    Photo: Crisis feels different for everybody and can be associated with a wide range of situations. Some service members are coping with stress, anxiety, PTSD, or other effects stemming from their military service. Others may have difficulty with their relationships or with the transition back to civilian life. Whatever has got you down, a Military Crisis Line responder can provide support, day or night. Make the call - your life is worth it! (SH)
  6. You are home from deployment, the challenges for your family must be over, right? Actually, kids often say the time after their parent returns home is the toughest part of a deployment for them. Dr. Pam Murphy, a child psychologist at National Center for Telehealth & Technology (T2) explains why and offers tips at http://www.dcoe.health.mil/blog/article.aspx?id=1&postid=419. (SH)
    Photo: You are home from deployment, the challenges for your family must be over, right? Actually, kids often say the time after their parent returns home is the toughest part of a deployment for them. Dr. Pam Murphy, a child psychologist at National Center for Telehealth & Technology (T2) explains why and offers tips at http://www.dcoe.health.mil/blog/article.aspx?id=1&postid=419. (SH)
  7. Treating patients with mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be challenging because TBI symptoms can sometimes resemble a number of psychological health conditions. Click http://www.dcoe.health.mil/blog/article.aspx?id=1&postid=350 to learn...
    more about the "Co-occurring Conditions Toolkit: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health" that provides guidance on the assessment and management of patients with the co-occurring conditions of concussion, posttraumatic stress disorder, pain, depression and substance use disorder. (SH)
    See More
    Photo: Treating patients with mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be challenging because TBI symptoms can sometimes resemble a number of psychological health conditions. Click http://www.dcoe.health.mil/blog/article.aspx?id=1&postid=350 to learn more about the "Co-occurring Conditions Toolkit: Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health" that provides guidance on the assessment and management of patients with the co-occurring conditions of concussion, posttraumatic stress disorder, pain, depression and substance use disorder. (SH)
  8. Registration time! Don't miss out on this month's DCoE webinar! Read about the topic and how to register at
    http://www.dcoe.health.mil/NewsArticle.aspx?id=3801. (SH)
    Photo: Registration time! Don't miss out on this month's DCoE webinar! Read about the topic and how to register at
http://www.dcoe.health.mil/NewsArticle.aspx?id=3801. (SH)
  9. As simple as it seems, even clicking on a website that offers help for your concerns requires a leap of faith in yourself and the website. But, if you're a service member struggling with depression, sleep difficulties, posttraumatic stress,...
    traumatic brain injury or any number of challenges to living a healthy, balanced life post-deployment, this is a website that you'll want to bookmark, find out more at http://goo.gl/BVVit. (SH)
    See More
    Photo: As simple as it seems, even clicking on a website that offers help for your concerns requires a leap of faith in yourself and the website. But, if you're a service member struggling with depression, sleep difficulties, posttraumatic stress, traumatic brain injury or any number of challenges to living a healthy, balanced life post-deployment, this is a website that you'll want to bookmark, find out more at http://goo.gl/BVVit. (SH)
  10. Armed with Science explores fighting stigma with technology with help from National Center for Telehealth & Technology (T2). Dr. Karen O'Brien shares her experience with soldiers and veterans
    expressing concerns that admitting to a mental health problem might lead to demotion, loss of security clearance and even discharge from the service. What do you think - have you heard these same concerns? (SH)
  11. We're often asked about the treatment methods for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The main treatments for people with PTSD are counseling (known as "talk" therapy or psychotherapy), medications or both. Click http://goo.gl/tzdzX to learn more about the various options available. (SH)
    Photo: We're often asked about the treatment methods for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The main treatments for people with PTSD are counseling (known as "talk" therapy or psychotherapy), medications or both. Click http://goo.gl/tzdzX to learn more about the various options available. (SH)
  12. Happy birthday U.S. Navy! Thank you for your service and commitment to keeping our nation safe. Read more from DCoE Director Capt. Paul Hammer at http://goo.gl/LN7kM. (SH)
    Photo: Happy birthday U.S. Navy! Thank you for your service and commitment to keeping our nation safe. Read more from DCoE Director Capt. Paul Hammer at http://goo.gl/LN7kM. (SH)
  13. Attention military families! Do you know about FOCUS? It’s a program that teaches military children and families affected by multiple deployments to understand their emotional reactions, communicate more clearly, solve problems more effectively, and set and achieve their goals. (SH)
  14. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to spot other people’s problems but not our own? It gets tricky when you consider such problems as depression, anxiety or combat stress. The signals for these problems can easily be misinterpreted or ignored as unimportant. Today is National Depression Screening Day – learn more at http://www.dcoe.health.mil/blog/article.aspx?id=1&postid=416. (SH)
    Photo: Have you ever noticed how easy it is to spot other people’s problems but not our own? It gets tricky when you consider such problems as depression, anxiety or combat stress. The signals for these problems can easily be misinterpreted or ignored as unimportant. Today is National Depression Screening Day – learn more at http://www.dcoe.health.mil/blog/article.aspx?id=1&postid=416. (SH)
  15. Are you tired, having difficulty concentrating, or just don’t have interest in the things you used to? See if depression is the culprit. Oct. 11 is National Depression Screening Day. Take an anonymous mental health screening via Military Pathways at http://goo.gl/hfo8y. (SH)
    Photo: Are you tired, having difficulty concentrating, or just don’t have interest in the things you used to? See if depression is the culprit. Oct. 11 is National Depression Screening Day. Take an anonymous mental health screening via Military Pathways at http://goo.gl/hfo8y. (SH)
  16. What are the signs of depression? How do I know the difference between depression and posttraumatic stress? Where do I go for help? These are the types of questions that trained professionals at the DCoE Outreach Center can answer. Open 24/7, they’re only a click or call away! (SH)
    Photo: What are the signs of depression? How do I know the difference between depression and posttraumatic stress? Where do I go for help? These are the types of questions that trained professionals at the DCoE Outreach Center can answer. Open 24/7, they’re only a click or call away! (SH)
  17. “Resilience is like physical or mental fitness, the more you practice, the better you get at it,” says Lt. Cmdr. Dana Lee. You won’t want to miss this DCoE blog post with VIDEO from a mental health expert on reasons why you shouldn’t ignore your mental health and resources that you can access at http://www.dcoe.health.mil/blog/article.aspx?id=1&postid=413. (SH)
    Photo: “Resilience is like physical or mental fitness, the more you practice, the better you get at it,” says Lt. Cmdr. Dana Lee.  You won’t want to miss this DCoE blog post with VIDEO from a mental health expert on reasons why you shouldn’t ignore your mental health and resources that you can access at http://www.dcoe.health.mil/blog/article.aspx?id=1&postid=413. (SH)
  18. Self-assessments can’t replace a doctor, but they can help you check-in from the comfort of your own home on some important topics. afterdeployment.org offers online assessments on alcohol and drugs, posttraumatic stress, depression, anxiety, panic, physical injury resilience and sleep. What are you waiting for, check-in with yourself at http://goo.gl/QdYq6. (SH)
  19. Active Minds, Inc. promotes today as National Day Without Stigma stating, “Stigma is shame. Shame causes silence. Silence hurts us all.” We couldn’t agree more--REACHING OUT IS A SIGN OF STRENGTH! Be sure to go check out the Real Warriors Campaign, designed to promote help seeking behaviors with our service members. (SH)
  20. In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue...but do you ever wonder how he handled reintegration after establishing a new normal? Share with us your tips on a successful reintegration! (SH)
    Photo: In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue...but do you ever wonder how he handled reintegration after establishing a new normal? Share with us your tips on a successful reintegration! (SH)
  21. Thanks for sharing Real Warriors! This is a great way to honor those who serve and remember the sacrifices. Combat stress has affected warriors of all generations. WATCH these Medal of Honor veterans share their advice about invisible wounds, and how asking for help shows real strength. Click SHARE to stay supportive of others who serve -- no warrior stands alone when it comes to invisible wounds. (SH)
  22. MUST CHECK OUT! New "Sesame Street for Military Families" app includes videos, articles, storybooks and caregiver guides on how parents and children can communicate and express their emotions about challenging transitions. Read more at http://www.dcoe.health.mil/blog/article.aspx?id=1&postid=414. (SH)
    Photo: MUST CHECK OUT! New "Sesame Street for Military Families" app includes videos, articles, storybooks and caregiver guides on how parents and children can communicate and express their emotions about challenging transitions. Read more at http://www.dcoe.health.mil/blog/article.aspx?id=1&postid=414. (SH)
  23. Do you know about the National Resource Directory? This is definitely a website that you will want to bookmark as a favorite. From information on homeless assistance to health care, the National Resource Directory is online to connect service members, veterans, their families and those who support the military community to useful resources. (SH)
  24. WATCH --> DCoE Capt. Hammer speaks to the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, "I'm here to talk about the Joining Forces initiative because we have a problem. We need to ensure that we are all fully engaged to ensure that our service members, veterans and family get the care that they need and that they deserve." (SH)
  25. If you woke up at 2 a.m. in crisis, would you have someone to call? It's an important question to ask ourselves. Not only is a strong personal support network important in crisis, but it can also make a difference in our daily lives bringin...
    g less stress, greater peace of mind and even more self-confidence. Read more:
    http://www.dcoe.health.mil/blog/article.aspx?id=1&postid=361. And remember if you're ever in crisis and can't reach someone, the Military Crisis Line is open 24/7 for service member, veterans and their families at 800-273-8255, press 1. (SH)
    See More
    Photo: If you woke up at 2 a.m. in crisis, would you have someone to call? It's an important question to ask ourselves. Not only is a strong personal support network important in crisis, but it can also make a difference in our daily lives bringing less stress, greater peace of mind and even more self-confidence. Read more:
http://www.dcoe.health.mil/blog/article.aspx?id=1&postid=361. And remember if you're ever in crisis and can't reach someone, the Military Crisis Line is open 24/7 for service member, veterans and their families at 800-273-8255, press 1. (SH)
  26. We know that you want to stay in the fight, but if you've sustained a head injury, taking a "time out" and getting help is actually more beneficial to yourself, your family, your unit and the joint force. Watch this video profile of The U.S. Army Capt. Galen Peterson discussing his road of recovery after sustain a TBI. (SH)
  27. Did you know that hard hats were developed in 1919? From hard hats to combat helmets to some of your favorite movie moments – brush up for Tuesday Trivia night with learning about some brain saving devices at http://dcoe.health.mil/HelmetsThroughoutHistory.aspx! (SH)
    Photo: Did you know that hard hats were developed in 1919? From hard hats to combat helmets to some of your favorite movie moments – brush up for Tuesday Trivia night with learning about some brain saving devices at http://dcoe.health.mil/HelmetsThroughoutHistory.aspx! (SH)
  28. It’s difficult to want to do anything when you’re depressed, even the stuff that used to be fun. That’s why the National Center for Telehealth & Technology (T2) created the mobile app Jackpot! Not just for depression, this mobile app provid...
    es a way to find fun activities to help warriors reintegrate and socialize with peers. Check it out at https://www.t2health.org/apps/positiveactivityjackpot and let us know what you think! *Coming to iPhones soon!* (SH)
    See More
  29. Some warriors feel more comfortable talking to a spiritual adviser than a psychologist, which is why many chaplains are getting brushed up on the issues facing service members. Take a few minutes to read about the chaplain working group met to discuss PTSD and spiritual distress: http://goo.gl/6cBGB. Next meeting is October 3! (SH)
    Photo: Some warriors feel more comfortable talking to a spiritual adviser than a psychologist, which is why many chaplains are getting brushed up on the issues facing service members. Take a few minutes to read about the chaplain working group met to discuss PTSD and spiritual distress: http://goo.gl/6cBGB. Next meeting is October 3! (SH)
  30. Today is the last day of Suicide Prevention Awareness month, but that doesn't mean we'll stop spreading the message. It's essential to reach out if you need help or know someone who needs help. The Military Crisis Line is available 24/7 at 800-273-8255, press 1. Join in: let 3 friends know you're there and share this video today! (SH)
  31. Must-check-out website – MilitaryKidsConnect.org – where military kids ages 6-17 can play games, watch videos, connect with each other, gather resources and more on deployment. Guess what? There’s also a section for caregivers and family members!
    Connect at https://www.militarykidsconnect.org/ (SH)
    Photo: Must-check-out website – MilitaryKidsConnect.org – where military kids ages 6-17 can play games, watch videos, connect with each other, gather resources and more on deployment. Guess what? There’s also a section for caregivers and family members!
Connect at https://www.militarykidsconnect.org/ (SH)
  32. Got old prescriptions laying around the house that you no longer need? Saturday, September 29 is the 5th National Prescription Drug Take Back Day – it’s a safe way to dispose of drugs that you may have laying around the house. Find a location near you! And we stress, these are old prescriptions no longer used by doctor’s orders! (SH)

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