Social Protection


[]The Armenian economy is slowly recovering from a sharp downturn of over 14% in 2009 due to the global economic crisis, which has deteriorated the purchasing power of the population and is hitting hardest those below or not far above the poverty line. Despite the Government’s recent gains in poverty reduction in Armenia, overall the poverty rate increased from 27.6% in 2008 to 34.1% in 2009. In this context, USAID’s social protection programs work closely with the Armenian government and civil society to deliver vital social services to vulnerable populations, build sustainable models of social services delivery, and strengthen the capacity of the Government to implement its broad social reform agenda.

A major achievement in 2010 was the introduction of the pension system reform legislative package which was adopted by the National Assembly of Armenia in December 2010. The new legislation, drafted through USAID assistance, is based on the international experience and best practices, introducing a multi-pillar reform approach to revitalizing the country’s inadequate and inefficient pension system.

Shifting from humanitarian to technical assistance over the past decade, USAID continues to work with the State Employment Services Agency (SESA), enhancing its capacity to develop stronger links with employers and effectively serve job-seekers. As a result, the use of public employment services increased from 145,800 to 157,200 (an increase of 7.8%) nationwide in 2010. To reduce the stigma associated with disability in Armenia, USAID also continues to support improved understanding and sensitivity to the needs of the vulnerable and disabled, increase awareness of available services, and promote community volunteerism.


Livelihood Improvement through Fostered Employment (LIFE) program supports increased labor market participation of disabled people through new approaches for activating people with partial work capacity. The project aims at identifying and removing legislative barriers to employment of the disabled; developing systems for reintegrating the disabled into the labor force; and supporting necessary institutional reforms.

  • Jan 2012-Jan 2015, $2.9m. Implemented by Save the Children.

The Women’s Support Center assists women and prevents domestic violence in families through establishing women support services for victimized women, working with the perpetrators to stop their abusive behavior, and initiating a community network against violence.

  • Dec 2011-Dec 2012, $20,000. Implemented by Tufenkian Charitable Foundation.

Pension Awareness and Financial Literacy - this Limited Scope Grant Agreement with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of RA helps strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to carry out public awareness campaigns and implement effective financial literacy projects by supporting the Pension System Awareness Center Foundation.

  • Apr 2012-Apr 2013, $200,000. Implemented by the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

Enhancing the Quality of Services to Women Victims of Domestic Violence - this Limited Scope Grant Agreement with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of RA helps improve the quality of services provided to women victims of domestic violence in Armenia through assessing the current capacity and addressing inefficiencies.

  • Apr 2012-Apr 2013, $60,000. Implemented by the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

Stakeholders Acting Together for Strengthened Child Protection in Armenia project is aimed at improving the well-being of most vulnerable children by building the human resources and institutional capacities of Armenia’s existing child protection system at national (National Committee for Child Protection), regional (child protection units), and community (Guardianship and Trusteeship Committees) levels. The project assists in the development of a curriculum on children’s rights and mainstreaming it into the official curriculum of the Judicial School, as well as provides training for judges and court personnel using the child rights module. In addition, the project raises community awareness of child protection and children’s rights, helps link families to policy makers and service providers, and gives children opportunities to raise their concerns in their communities. In collaboration with the Ministry of Labor and Social Issues, the Project will raise public awareness of domestic adoption issues through public messaging, information materials and media. 

  • Oct 2010-Jul 2013, $2.5m / USAID share: $1.1m. Implemented by World Vision (WV), Inc.