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Improvised Device Defeat (IDD)

Mission: Identify, prioritize, and execute research and development projects that satisfy mission critical needs, fill capability gaps, and address interagency requirements for advanced technologies to safely and effectively defeat improvised terrorist devices. Emphasis is placed on technologies to enhance the training and support of operational personnel in the location, identification, render safe, and disposal of homemade explosives, improvised explosive devices, and other emerging terrorist threats.

The Improvised Device Defeat (IDD) Subgroup delivers advanced technologies, tools, and information to increase the operational capabilities of the U.S. military explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) community and federal, state, and local bomb squads to defeat and neutralize terrorist devices. In collaboration with military, federal, state, and local agencies, the IDD Subgroup identifies and prioritizes multi-agency user requirements through joint working groups and thorough validation processes. Representatives from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Bomb Data Center and the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Bombing Prevention co-chair the subgroup.

Funding targets projects that advance technologies, tools, and information to increase the operational capabilities of the U.S. military explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) community and Federal, State, and local bomb squads to defeat and neutralize terrorist devices.

Focus Area Product Catalogs



Develop advanced technologies to defeat the broad spectrum of improvised terrorist devices to include improvised explosive devices (IEDs), vehicle-borne IEDs, person-borne IEDs, and enhanced hazard devices containing chemical, biological, or radiological materials. Develop innovative, cost-effective disruption and precision render-safe solutions that increase standoff distance, reduce collateral damage, and decrease risk to the improvised device defeat operator. Improve neutralization techniques for both sensitive and insensitive explosives and enhanced payloads such as flammable liquids and gases. Products

Access and Diagnostic

Identification and Diagnostics

Advance the capability of improvised device defeat operators to interrogate unknown or suspect items and packages. Develop technologies to locate and identify improvised devices and enhanced fillers, and diagnose key fuzing and firing components. Develop tools to assist improvised device defeat operators in the identification of U.S. and non-U.S. ordnance and firing systems incorporated into or modified for use in improvised devices. Products

Access and Diagnostic

EOD Operational Tools

EOD Operational Tools sponsors projects that develop low cost improved tools, equipment, and information that supports command and control and also enhances situational awareness. Critical technologies that support all aspects of IED response teams are key elements of consideration. Products focus on capability enhancements, testing, and processes that improve operational effectiveness when confronting the full spectrum of IED's and other emergent explosive threats.Products

Information Resources

Maritime Security

Develop technologies to protect ships, boats, docking facilities, offshore platforms, loading facilities, power plants, bridges, and marine cables and pipelines from any form of terrorist attack, including water-borne and underwater IEDs. Develop and test technologies to include manned or unmanned long- and short-range sensors for detection and tracking; physical barriers and stopping devices; unmanned surface, underwater, and air vehicles; weapons; armor; life support; diving and underwater systems; and mammal systems.

EOD Operation Tools

Remote Procedures

Develop advanced application systems to remotely access, diagnose, and defeat improvised devices. Advance development of manufacturer- and model-independent products and robotics with plug and play interface. Develop open architecture, navigation, communication, and operator controls for robotic platforms, tools, and sensors. Products

Remote-Controlled Vehicles and Tools

Tool Characterization and Information Resources

Improve performance evaluation technologies, test procedures, and tool characterization models for improvised device defeat technologies. Conduct ongoing evaluation and improvement of tools, methods, and protocols for confirming the accuracy of detection equipment, reliability of diagnostic tools, and completeness of neutralization and render safe techniques. Advance training concepts and information delivery systems that promote the tactical and operational readiness required to effectively, safely, and efficiently counter improvised devices and emerging terrorist threats. Products

Emergent Threats

Advance production of effective countermeasures to neutralize or defeat radio-controlled IEDs, and provide safe environments for improvised device defeat operators. Develop, characterize, and test technology solutions to effectively render safe improvised devices using novel fuzing systems that incorporate such items as electronic, sensor, microcontroller, or mechatronic components.