Collaboration, Capacity, and Planning Research

The Health Status of New Medicaid Enrollees Under Health Reform

John Holahan, Genevieve Kenney, and Jennifer Pelletier
August 2010

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will result in 16 million new Medicaid enrollees. A large number of these new enrollees will be childless adults. A key question is whether the new population covered under Medicaid will have serious physical and mental health problems and a large number of chronic conditions and thus be relatively expensive...

Covering Low-Income Childless Adults in Medicaid: Experiences from Selected States

Stephen A. Somers and Allison Hamblin, Center for Health Care Strategies, James M. Verdier and Vivian L.H. Byrd
August 2010

Under health reform, 16-20 million beneficiaries will be eligible to enroll in Medicaid. It is critical for Medicaid stakeholders to develop a better understanding of who these beneficiaries are and what their care needs are likely to be. This brief outlines key health reform provisions related to Medicaid expansion...

An Evaluation of an Initiative to Improve Coordination and Service Delivery of Homeless Services Networks

Greg A. Greenberg and Robert A. Rosenheck
February 2007

In 2003, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Veterans Affairs initiated a major service demonstration, the Collaborative Initiative to Help End Chronic Homelessness (CICH). CICH focused on improving outcomes for chronically homeless people by making funding ...

Outcome Measurement in Homeless Systems of Care

Wendy P. Crook, Ronald L. Mullis, Thomas A. Cornille and Ann K. Mullis
November 2005

Public and private interest groups are pressured to demonstrate that investments of resources, time, and effort have resulted in improvements in the lives of those experiencing homelessness and/or reductions in the scope of homelessness. Measuring desired outcomes can provide information to support ...

Developing Programs for Homeless Veterans: Understanding Driving Forces of Implementation

John Nakashima, Jim McGuire, Stephen Berman and William Daniels
February 2004

Between 1992 and 2003, services for homeless veterans at the Veterans Affairs Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System went from inappropriate utilization of hospital medical and psychiatric beds, to a continuum of residential treatment, transitional housing, and employment programs through arrangements with private ...

Closing Service System Gaps for Homeless Clients with a Dual-Diagnosis: Integrated Team and Interagency Cooperation

Robert A. Rosenheck, Sandra G. Resnick and Joseph P. Morrissey
June 2003

There is great concern about fragmentation of mental health service delivery, especially for dually diagnosed homeless people, and apprehension that such fragmentation adversely affects service access and outcomes. This study first seeks to articulate two alternative approaches to the integration of psychiatric and substance abuse services...

Homelessness in the US and Germany: A Cross‐National Analysis

Carolyn J. Tompsett, Paul A. Toro, Melissa Guzicki, Marc Blume, Sylvie Lombardo
April 2003

A public opinion survey was administered by telephone to nationally representative samples in the US and Germany to assess prevalence of homelessness as well as attitudes, opinions, and knowledge regarding homelessness. Lower prevalence rates were found in Germany as compared with the US. German ...

Current Opportunites for Medicaid Financing

Corporation for Supportive Housing

This White Paper is part of an ongoing Corporation for Supportive Housing project to study how Medicaid funds can be used to fund services provided in supportive housing. The project is part of the Corporation’s ongoing effort to maintain and expand supportive housing by identifying new ways to fund its development, operations, and services...

Lessons From the Evaluation of the ACCESS Program

Howard H. Goldman, Joseph P. Morrissey, Robert A. Rosenheck, Joseph Cocozza, Margaret Blasinsky, and Frances Randolph
August 2002

The authors summarize the main findings of the Access to Community Care and Effective Services (ACCESS) program and offer lessons for policy makers. Data from studies at the site level and the client level, which were presented in the two separate articles, are ...

Overview of the ACCESS Program

Frances Randolph, Margaret Blasinsky, Joseph P. Morrissey, Robert A. Rosenheck, Joseph Cocozza, Howard H. Goldman and the ACCESS National Evaluation Team
August 2002

The authors provide an overview of the ACCESS program (Access to Community Care and Effective Services and Supports), which evaluated the integration of service systems and its impact on outcomes for homeless persons with severe mental illness...

Integration of Service Systems for Homeless Persons With Mental Illness Through the ACCESS Program

Joseph P. Morrissey, Michael O. Calloway, Neil Thakur, Joseph Cocozza, Henry J. Steadman, Deborah Dennis
August 2002

The aim of this study was to evaluate the first of the two core questions around which the Access to Community Care and Effective Services and Supports (ACCESS) evaluation was designed:  does implementation of system-change strategies lead to better integration of ...

Service Systems Integration and Outcomes For Mentally Ill Homeless Persons

Robert A. Rosenheck, Julie Lam, Joseph P. Morrissey,  Michael O. Calloway, Marilyn Stolar, and Frances Randolph
August 2002

Service Systems Integration and Outcomes For Mentally Ill Homeless Persons in the ACCESS Program. The authors evaluated the second of the two core questions around which the Access to Community Care and Effective Services and Supports (ACCESS) evaluation was ...

Evaluations of Continuums of Care for Homeless People: Final Report

Martha R. Burt, Dave Pollack, Abby Sosland, Kelly S. Mikelson, Elizabeth Drapa, Kristy Greenwalt, Patrick T. Sharkey
May 2002

A Continuum of Care is a local or regional system for helping people who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness by providing housing and services appropriate to the whole range of homeless needs in the community, from homeless prevention to emergency ...

Expanding Service Delivery: Does it Improve Relationships among agencies serving homeless people with mental illness?

James McGuire, Robert Rosenheck and Craig Burnette
January 2002

Enhancing interagency services integration has been advocated as an approach for improving service delivery to homeless individuals with mental illness. In contrast to system-level “top-down” interventions, this study examines the association of expanded funding of client-level homeless services, a ...

Service Delivery and Community: Social Capital, Service Systems Integration and Outcomes among Homeless Persons with Severe Mental Illness

Robert Rosenheck, Joseph Morrissey, Julie Lam, Michael Calloway, Marilyn Stolar, Matthew Johnsen, Frances Randolph, Margaret Blasinsky, and Howard Goldman
August 2001

This study evaluated the influence of features of community social environment and service system integration on service use, housing, and clinical outcomes among homeless people with serious mental illness. A one-year observational outcome study was conducted of homeless people with serious mental illness at 18 sites...

What Do You Know About Systems Integration and Homelessness?

Deborah L. Dennis, Joseph J. Cocozza, and Henry J. Steadman
August 1999

Comprehensive systems of care to address the needs of homeless individuals have been called for by researchers and policymakers alike. This paper defines and differentiates systems and services integration, and examines specific strategies for each. A brief historical review of integration in other human services fields ...

Making Homelessness Programs Accountable

Dennis Culhane, David Eldridge, Robert Rosenheck and Carol Wilkins
August 1999

This paper discusses how different types of performance measurement can be used to improve the accountability of homeless programs to consumers, funders, and to the public. A distinction is made between the kinds of data used in formal research projects and data that can be practically obtained in a practice ...

Homelessness: Programs and the people they serve

Martha R. Burt

The National Survey of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients (NSHAPC) was conducted in 1996 to provide information on homeless assistance programs and the clients who use them to federal agencies responsible for administering homeless assistance programs and to other interested parties...

Service System Integration, Access to Services, and Housing Outcomes in a program for Homeless Persons

Robert Rosenheck, Joseph Morrissey, Julie Lam, Michael Calloway, Matthew Johnsen, Howard Goldman, Frances Randolph, Margaret Blasinsky, Alan Fontana, Robert Calsyn and Gregory Teague
November 1998

This study evaluated the hypothesis that greater integration and coordination between agencies within service systems is associated with greater accessibility of services and improved client housing outcomes. As part of the Access to Community Care and Effective Services and Supports program, data were obtained...

Individual and Community-Level Variation in Intensity and Diversity of Service Utilization by Homeless Persons with Serious Mental Illness

Robert Rosenheck and Julie A. Lam
October 1997

This study examines individual client- and community-level sources of variation in service use among clients entering 18 community treatment programs for homeless mentally ill persons as part of a national demonstration project. Assessment data on 1,828 clients were used to evaluate the relationship of a) individual client characteristics and b) site of entry, to both the intensity and diversity of service use...