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Operator Information

Federal Inspection and Enforcement Data



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The reports below provide inspection and enforcement data for the most recent 5-year period. This information includes only completed (not planned or ongoing) inspections and the enforcement actions pursued at the Federal level by PHMSA on Federally-inspected mileage. The number, type, inspection days, and date of inspections conducted by PHMSA are included, as well as both a summary of and specific details pertaining to enforcement cases against this operator.

In some cases, State pipeline safety agencies also provide oversight and enforcement on certain intrastate pipeline facilities (State-inspected mileage). Inspections and enforcement by PHMSA's partner State agencies are not included in these reports; however, information on State-initiated enforcement action is available at State Pages.

Important Notice: Currently, these reports are only available for hazardous liquid, gas transmission, and gas gathering operators, and do NOT, at this time, include system mileage or incidents for any gas distribution operator. These reports have recently been modified to show ALL incidents that have been reported to PHMSA by an operator during the time period shown. We will continue to improve these reports and we welcome your feedback.

No Federal inspections since 2006.

No Federal inspections since 2006.

For more information on each enforcement type see the Enforcement Type Glossary.

All Pipeline Systems(1) : 2006-2012
2012 YTD 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Total
Cases Initiated 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
Cases Resolved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Penalties Proposed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Corrective Action Orders Issued 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Cases Initiated: These are the yearly total of civil administrative enforcement actions that PHMSA has brought against pipeline owners and operators. It does not reflect those cases which the agency has referred to other Federal officials for criminal prosecution, nor does it include more egregious civil cases that are referred to the U.S. Department of Justice for judicial enforcement. The table shows the total number of Corrective Action Orders, Notices of Probable Violations, Notices of Amendment, Warning Letters, and Notices of Proposed Safety Orders issued in a given year.

Cases Resolved: These are the yearly total of PHMSA actions taken to resolve the various types of enforcement actions against operators. This includes the number of Corrective Action Orders, Final Orders, Notices of Amendment, and Consent Orders that have either been closed or issued in a given year. When an enforcement action is shown as "closed", PHMSA has verified that all of the corrective actions have been successfully completed and that any inadequate procedures that were identified successfully addressed. Enforcement actions shown as "issued" mean that corrective actions have been established that are acceptable to PHMSA, and that civil penalty assessments have been finalized.

For more information on each enforcement type see the Enforcement Type Glossary.

All Pipeline Systems(2): 2006-2012
Case Number Date Opened Date Closed Type Subject PHMSA Region Status Proposed Penalty Assessed Penalty Collected Penalty Final Compliance Order
320095027M 12/23/09 01/04/11 Notice of Amendment Construction - Hazardous Liquid Pipelines
Corrosion Control - Hazardous Liquid Pipelines
Emergency Response - Hazardous Liquid Pipelines
Fire Protection - Hazardous Liquid Pipelines
Operations and Maintenance - Hazardous Liquid Pipelines
Pressure Testing - Hazardous Liquid Pipelines
Procedure Manuals - Hazardous Liquid Pipelines
Security - Hazardous Liquid Pipelines
320095026 12/23/09 / / Proposed Compliance Order
Warning Letter
Operations and Maintenance - Hazardous Liquid Pipelines
Pressure Testing - Hazardous Liquid Pipelines
Public Awareness - Hazardous Liquid Pipelines
Totals        $0 $0 $0  


  1. Operator IDs become inactive when PHMSA, together with the operator, determine that a particular operator identifier is no longer in use. This typically happens when operators dissolve via mergers and acquisitions or when their assets under a specific Operator ID were sold and/or abandoned or when operators with multiple Operator IDs discontinue use of an identifier.


  1. PHMSA Safety Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) for the Pipeline Inspection Tracking System as of January 5, 2013.
  2. PHMSA Safety Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) for the Pipeline Safety Enforcement Tracking System as of January 11, 2013.

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