Frequently Asked Questions

APS Safety Personnel will use this page to provide answers and guidance to frequently asked safety questions from the APS Beamlines and Users.  If you have an item that should be included in this list please contact Bruce Glagola.  If you have any questions about the answers provided please contact Bruce Glagola (630/252-9797), Paul Rossi (630/252-4192), Edmund Chang (630/252-6714), Nena Moonier (630/252-8504).

1.   I need to handle chemicals.  Where can I find a guidance on choosing the proper gloves?

It is important to choose the correct gloves for working with chemicals.  A table of glove types and compatibility with many chemicals is available in this glove selection guideline.  

2.  Is there a list of OSHA hazardous chemicals available?

Yes, here is a list of OSHA hazardous chemicals.

3.  Is there a list of reproductive toxins and highly acute toxic materials available?

Yes, here is a list of reproductive toxins and highly acute toxic materials.

4.  Is there guidance on chemical segregation and storage available.

Yes, here is a guide on the proper segregation of chemical classes, including descriptions of chemical classes, and a partial list of incompatible chemicals.  

5.  How long can I store chemicals in my lab?

Here is a partial list of the shelf life of unstable chemicals.

6.  Where can I find information on the proper label for a chemical bottle?

Here is an NFPA table of NFPA 704 Label Data and hazard information for selected common laboratory chemicals.  More extensive lists of NFPA labels for chemicals can be found on the web.

7.  What do I have to do to use radioactive samples/materials at the APS?

The host Beamline must be contacted in advance to allow for proper review of the radioactive samples/materials, sample containment method, training requirements, and preparation of handling procedures.  The APS must approve all radioactive samples/materials that will be brought to the APS and will participate in the Beamline review.  The Argonne National Laboratory and the Department of Energy have a zero threshold for posting and controlling the use of radioactive materials.  It must be remembered that a material that is below the threshold for transport under US Department of Transportation regulations may still be considered radioactive at ANL.  All radioactive materials with specific activity greater than 2nCi/gram must be delivered to/from ANL through the ANL-Special Materials Group.  Radioactive materials that are brought to the APS without prior approval will not be allowed to be used and will be returned to the home institution.  For additional guidance on radioactive material use see the APS Experiment Hazard Class 8.1.  Please contact your host Beamline or Bruce Glagola well before your scheduled experiment time to ensure approval of the use of the material.

8.  How do I use the DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations - CFR49 Parts 100-185?

A guide to using the DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations in CFR49 is available available from the Hazardous Materials/Samples button on the ESAF page.

9.  What is needed to bring Regulated Foreign and Domestic Soil samples to the APS?

Soil from foreign sources and certain locations in the United States are regulated in there movement into and about the country.  A permit from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is required to receive these soils unless they are sterilized.  More complete information about the regulation of soil can be found on the USDA APHIS website.  Please contact Bruce Glagola well in advance of your experiment start date to arrange for use of regulated soil samples.  Information about the requirements for bringing regulated soil samples to the APS are available on the Soil Introduction page and the ESAF "Materials Hazards" page.