APS Designated Electrical Equipment Inspectors :

  Division Phone Page e-mail
Jonathan Baldwin XSD 2-6977 4-6977 jbaldwin@aps.anl.gov
Adam Brill ASD 2-9968 4-4559 abrill@aps.anl.gov
John Burke AES 2-6025   burke@aps.anl.gov
Alex Cours ASD 2-4550 4-1016 cours@aps.anl.gov
Ray Davis AES 2-5072 4-1019 rdavis@aps.anl.gov
John Dench AES 2-8921 4-5291 dench@aps.anl.gov
Alex Deriy XSD 2-7681   aderiy@aps.anl.gov
Boris Deriy ASD 2-1837 4-1837 bderiy@aps.anl.gov
Chuck Doose ASD 2-6037 4-1037 doose@aps.anl.gov
Bruno Fieramosca AES 2-0201 4-0201 bgf@aps.anl.gov
Harold Gibson XSD 2-0284   hgibson@aps.anl.gov
Mark Gibson AES 2-7945 4-7945 mkgibson@aps.anl.gov
Al Hillman ASD 2-3569 4-1133 hillmana@aps.anl.gov
Lynette Jirik XSD 2-9674   ljirik@aps.anl.gov
Dan Legnini XSD 2-5071   legnini@aps.anl.gov
Evan Maxey XSD 2-1986   emaxey@aps.anl.gov
Michael McDowell XSD 2-6422   mwm@aps.anl.gov
Wayne Michalek AES 2-6025 4-9029 michalek@aps.anl.gov
Mike Pape XSD 2-0591   mpape@aps.anl.gov
Rogelio Ranay XSD 2-6031 4-6031 ranay@aps.anl.gov
Rich Rauba AES 2-1521   rauba@aps.anl.gov
Lynn Ribaud XSD 2-6833   ribaud@anl.gov
Tim Roberts XSD 2-6744 4-6744 twrobsr@aps.anl.gov
Eric Rod PSC-USR 2-0412   erod@hpcat.aps.anl.gov
Tim Smith XSD 2-9498 4-9498 smithta@aps.anl.gov
Rick Spence XSD 2-2797 4-2797 spence@aps.anl.gov
Jay Von Osinski PSC-USR 2-0620   j-vonosinski@northwestern.edu
Mike Wieczorek XSD 2-6794   mwiecz@aps.anl.gov
Clay White AES 2-0300 4-0300 cawhite@aps.anl.gov
Ed Wrobel XSD 2-0107   ejw@aps.anl.gov
Dean Wyncott AES 2-0800 4-0800 wyncott@aps.anl.gov
Ray Ziegler XSD 2-5527   rziegler@aps.anl.gov

To contact the APS DEEIs please use apsdeei@aps.anl.gov

All APS User electronic and electrical equipment must be inspected before use in an experiment. Please ask your beamline to make arrangements with one of the inspectors listed above.

Page updated: November 14, 2012