March 28, 2012

Letter to the Editor: Re "Who's checking the executive branch?" - Los Angeles Times

Re "Who's checking the executive branch?" Opinion, March 25

In her Op-Ed article, Vicki Divoll points to the need for congressional oversight of lethal force

in counterterrorism operations.

I agree, which is why the Senate Intelligence Committee has spent more time reviewing the CIA's counterterrorism operations than any other issue. We review all aspects of these activities — including their legality — with CIA, Department of Justice and White House officials.

Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. has provided some transparency on the government's legal analysis. The committee has delved even deeper. We have already taken the "hard look" that Divoll recommends.

Although there is much that cannot be said publicly, I can report that ongoing counterterrorism operations are notable for their precision, their effectiveness and the care taken to ensure that noncombatant casualties are kept to an absolute minimum.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)