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checkmarkWhat is ANES?
The American National Election Studies (ANES) produces high quality data on voting, public opinion, and political participation to serve the research needs of social scientists, teachers, students, policy makers and journalists who want to better understand the theoretical and empirical foundations of national election outcomes. Central to this mission is the active involvement of the ANES research community in all phases of the project. Read More...

checkmarkRelease of the ANES 2008 Time Series Study
Due to technical difficulties, the full release of the 2008 Time Series must be postponed. Originally scheduled to be released Thursday, April 30, the release will occur no later than Monday, May 11, although we hope to have the release available prior to that date. Members of our mailing list will receive notification as soon as the data are released. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please note that the next release includes the following changes to the current release:

    additional derived variables
    addition of administrative/non-survey variables
    improved codebook documentation
Except for implementation of changes based on current posted errata, changes to survey data will be minimal.

The next release will not include coded data for open-ended measures, nor will it include an update for the AMP module. Those updates will be made available later this year.

checkmarkAdvance Release of the ANES waves of the 2008-2009 Panel Study
An Advance Release of the 2008-2009 Panel Study dataset and documentation is now available for download. This release includes the data from the six ANES waves completed in 2008 as well as data from the recruitment and profile surveys.

The Advance Release allows interested users to analyze 2008 political data as soon as possible after the election. The data and documentation will be revised during 2009 prior to the full release of the study.

Standard ANES data quality control procedures have not been completed with the Advance Release data, so users should expect to find errors and inconsistencies in this preliminary file.

In December 2009, ANES will post the full release of the Panel Study data and documentation. The full release will provide complete documentation and public-use data for all 21 study waves, including not only the 7 waves with content and design exclusively controlled by ANES, but also the 14 waves primarily controlled by the fielding organization.

Hot Topics
When will data for the 2008 ANES Time Series Study be available? The release of the 2008 ANES will be posted on the ANES website no later than Monday, May 11, 2009.

I have a factual question about the 2008 election. ANES is not a source of population data on registration, eligibility, turnout, or vote, nor a source of factual data about political institutions. We are primarily a data collection organization for our own surveys, and all information in our data represents self-report by respondents who are part of scientifically-selected samples.

Report on problems with ANES questions measuring political knowledge and other open-ended questions This report by the ANES Principal Investigators describes what was discovered, offers advice to researchers, and describes how ANES is using the results of the investigation.

A new policy regarding access to ANES 2008-2009 Panel Study Data In the interest of data quality, with particular regard to the unique design of the 2008-2009 Panel, a proposal to change access policy was developed for this study only.

I want an opinion about the 2008 election. ANES is primarily a data collection organization and does NOT, as an organization, offer expert opinion on elections, politics, or any other topics.
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