Neutrons Sciences Directorate at ORNL

Dr. J.K. (Jinkui) Zhao

Research Staff

Dr. Zhao is a research staff in the Neutron Facility Development Division at the Spallation Neutron Source.
He has broad interests in many areas ranging from biophysics to neutrons scattering techniques.

He was the lead scientist for Extended Q-Range Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Diffractometer (EQ-SANS) instrument during its design, construction and commissioning phases.


Selected Publications

Metabolic Scaling in Biology

  • Zhao, Jinkui. "A common origin for 3/4- and 2/3-power rules in metabolic scaling" Submitted
  • Zhao, Jinkui. "Plants' metabolism and metabolic scaling" Submitted
  • Zhao, Jinkui. "Tree growth model" In preparation

Biomolecular Structures

With Neutron Scattering

  • Zhao, J., Hoye, E., Boylan, S., Walsh, D. A., and Trewhella, J. "Quaternary Structures of a Catalytic Subunit-Regulatory Subunit Dimeric Complex and the Holoenzyme of the cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase by Neutron Contrast Variation," J. Biol. Chem. 273, 30448-30459, (1998)
  • Zhao, J., Trewhella, J., Corbin, J., Francis, S., Mitchell R., Bruschia, R., Walsh, D. A "Progressive Cyclic Nucleotide-induced Conformational Change in the cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Studies by Small-Angle Scattering in Solution", J. Biol. Chem. 272, 31929-31936 (1997).
  • Zhao, J., Wang, J., Chen, D., Peterson, S., Trewhella J., "The Solution Structure of the DNA Double-stranded Break Repair Protein Ku and its Complex with DNA: A Neutron Contrast Variation Study".Biochemistry 38, 2152-2159, 1999.

With Polarized Neutrons and Dynamically Polarized Hydrogen

  • Zhao J.K. "Dynamically polarized hydrogenous materials for neutron scattering" Physica B-Cond. Matt. 356 (1-4): 168-173 FEB 15 2005.
  • Zhao J. and Stuhrmann H.B., "The in Situ Structure of the L3 and L4 Proteins of the Large subunit of E. Coli Ribosomes as determined by nuclear spin contrast variation." , Journal de Physique IV, Colloque C8, Volume 3, 233-236, (1993).
  • Stuhrmann, H.B., Van den Brandt, B., Hautle, P., Konter, J.A., Niinikoski T.O., Schmitt, M., Willumeit, R., Zhao, J., Mango, S. "Polarized Neutron-Scattering From Polarized Nuclei Near Paramagnetic Centers". J. Appl. Cryst. 30, 839-843, (1997).

Technique of Dynamic Nuclear Polarization and Neutron Scattering

  • Zhao, J. Meerwinck W., Niinikoski T., Rijllart A., Schmitt M., Willumeit R., Stuhrmann H., "The polarized target station at GKSS", Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 356, 133-137 (1995).
  • Zhao J.K., Garamus VM, Mueller W, Willumeit. R. "Dynamically polarized hydrogen target as a broadband, wavelength-independent thermal neutron spin polarizer" Physica B-Cond. Matt. 356 (1-4): 163-167 FEB 15 2005.
  • Zhao, J.K. "Neutron Scattering Application of Polarized Solid Target in Materials Research".12th International Workshop on Polarized Ion Sources, Targets, and Polarimetry. Upton, New York, 10-14, Sept. 2007. AIP Conf. Proc. Vol. 980, 2008.

Neutron Instrumentation

Small angle neutron scattering

  • Zhao, J.K., Gao, C.Y., Liu, D.Z., "The extended Q-range small-angle neutron scattering diffractometer at the SNS", J. Appl. Cryst. (2010). 43, 1068-1077
  • Zhao, J.K. "Neutron Optics Optimization for the SNS EQ-SANS Diffractometer", submitted.
  • Dazhi Liu, Wei-Ren Chen, Kunlun Hong, Carrie Y. Gao, Yuri Melnichenko, Ken Littrell, Greg Smith, J.K. Zhao "First Data Acquired of EQ-SANS Diffractometer at the Spallation Neutron Source", submitted

Spin Echo SANS, data interpretation and theories


  • Zhao, J.K. "IB: a Monte Carlo Simulation Tool for Neutron Scattering Instrument Design under Parallel Virtual Machine", submitted.
  • Zhao, J.K. "Data Processing for the SNS EQ-SANS Diffractometer", NIM-A.doi:10.1016/j.nima.2011.05.048
  • Zhao, J.K. "SAAF: SANS data Analysis using Analytical Functions", submitted.

Materials and Solid State Physics

  • Shen, Z.G., Zhao., J., Lin, Q., Yu, J., Yi, C., "Acoustic activity in tellurium" Solid state commun. 72(10), 1027-1031, (1989).
  • Yan Q.W., Zhang P.L., Jin L., Shen Z.G., Zhao J.K., Ren Y., Wie Y.N., Mao T.D., Liu C.X., Ning T.S., Sun K., Yang Q.S., "Crystal structure of the high-Tc superconductor Ba2YCu3O7+x using neutron diffraction", Phys. Rev. B, V 36, No. 10, 5599-5601, (1987).
  • Wang XL, Almer J, Liu CT, Wang YD, Zhao JK, Stoica AD, Haeffner DR, Wang WH. "In situ synchrotron study of phase transformation behaviors in bulk metallic glass by simultaneous diffraction and small angle scattering" Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (26): Art. No. 265501 DEC 31 2003.

High Energy Physics


  • Adams, D., et al. & Zhao, J., (SMC), "A new Measurement of the spin-dependent structure function g1(x) of the deuteron", Phys. Lett. B 357, 248-254, (1995).
  • Adams, D., et. al. & Zhao, J., (SMC), "Measurement of the spin-dependent structure function g1(x) of the proton", Phys. Lett. B 329,Nr 2-3, 399-406, (1994).
  • Adams, D., et. al. & Zhao, J., (SMC),"Spin Structure of the Proton from Polarized inclusive Deep Inelastic Muon-Proton Scattering", Phys. Rev. D., v59, # 9, 5330-5358, (1997).


  • Adams, D., ... Zhao, J., (SMC) "Polarized double cell target of the SMC", Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A, 437, pp23-67,1999
  • Dulya, C., et. al. & Zhao, J., (SMC) "A line shape analysis for spin-1 NMR signals", Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, v398, 109-125, (1997).
  • Adeva, B., et al. & Zhao, J., (SMC), "Large Enhancement of deuteron polarization with frequency-modulated Microwaves". Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, v372, 339-343, (1996).