<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> ITA Standards Initiative - About Us
    International Trade Administration Standards Initiative
  Office of Standards Liaison

 General Information

   About Us
   Case Studies

 Standards Resources

  U.S. Standards System
   Additional Links

  Market-Specific Standards Information

  Africa, Near-East, South Asia
  Central, Eastern Europe, Russia
  East Asia Pacific
  Western Europe
  Western Hemisphere

  ITA Offices

   U.S. Commercial Service
   Manufacturing and Services
   Market Access and   Compliance
   Import Administration


About Us

In addition to protecting our health, safety, and the environment, standards and conformity assessment programs facilitate international trade by providing a common set of guidelines for both producers and consumers.  When used inappropriately, however, standards can impede international trade by being overly prescriptive; favoring the goods and services of one market over another; or providing inadequate quality assurance.

This website is intended to provide information to U.S. stakeholders on trade-related standards and conformity assessment issues in order to enhance their global competitiveness.