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Press Releases 2010

Correction For The Record: U.S. Humanitarian Support For Pakistan

September 24, 2010

Islamabad - Sikander Shaheen, who repeatedly fabricates stories in The Nation, has once again drawn an outlandish caricature of U.S. activity in Pakistan, making allegations without bothering to check facts.  Today, his story layered innuendo upon the allegations of an unnamed "official source" to malign the important work being done by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), its humanitarian relief implementing partners, and the U.S. military working vigorously on behalf of Pakistani flood victims.

  • Mr. Shaheen's assertion that the U.S. has provided only $10 million to the United Nations for Pakistan flood relief is completely inaccurate. To date, the U.S. has provided $345 million, of which over $247 million is being distributed by UN agencies. This figure does not include the considerable in-kind assistance, such as the cost of operating relief and supply flights, which to-date has cost American taxpayers over $59 million.
  • Members of the U.S. military in Pakistan are engaged daily in urgent humanitarian efforts to rescue stranded civilians, deliver essential relief supplies, and provide medical care to those in need. All of their activities take place in partnership with the Government of Pakistan.
  • When operating in Pakistan, personnel of the U.S. military and humanitarian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) proudly identify themselves as members of the organizations they represent. They do not "impersonate" humanitarian workers-they are humanitarian workers.

The Embassy's spokesperson is available to answer any questions regarding this or other matters involving the U.S. Mission in Pakistan.