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Press Releases 2010

Additional U.S. Water Purification Equipment Arrives In Pakistan

September 14, 2010

Islamabad - Two more U.S.-organized relief flights arrived in Islamabad over the weekend carrying additional water purification equipment and related supplies for the victims of Pakistan's monsoon flood disaster.

The flights, organized by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), brought 19,200 10-liter water containers, two large water storage bladders, and more than 15 million water purification tablets.  The water purification supplies are sufficient to chlorinate 150 million liters of water.

Previously, USAID provided 13 mobile water treatment units, each of which can produce enough safe drinking water for 20,000 people a day; ten 20,000-liter water storage bladders; and more than 200,000 10-liter water containers.

The U. S. has provided more than Rs 22,367,700,000 ($261 million) in emergency humanitarian assistance to the people of Pakistan.  The U.S. also has provided other civilian and military in-kind assistance in the form of halal meals, pre-fabricated steel bridges and other infrastructure support, as well as air support to and within Pakistan to transport goods and rescue people, valued at approximately Rs 3,428,000,000 ($40 million).