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Press Releases 2010

Fact Sheet: U.S. Response To Pakistan's Flooding Disaster

(Photo Credit: Dept. of Defense)

August 4, 2010: Six U.S. Army aircraft consisting of four CH-47 Chinook helicopters and two UH-60 Blackhawk utility helicopters were dispatched from Afghanistan and arrived at Ghazi Airbase in Pakistan.

August 4, 2010

The United States has responded immediately and generously to Pakistan's call for assistance following the tragic and devastating floods that started on July 29. Our response has been consistent with our humanitarian values and our deep commitment to Pakistan.  Support to Pakistan includes financial assistance and the immediate provision of urgently needed supplies and services drawing on unique U.S. capabilities.

Latest Developments

  • Six U.S. Army aircraft arrived today at Ghazi Airbase in Pakistan. The four CH-47 Chinook helicopters and two UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters. They will be operating in partnership with the Pakistan government throughout the flood-impacted areas to deliver much-needed relief supplies and provide transport to people who urgently need emergency assistance.
  • A second consignment containing four additional water treatment units, 14 Zodiac boats with motors, 18 water storage bladders with distribution systems for drinking water and 30 concrete-cutting saws has been shipped to Peshawar for the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA).
  • A 25kw generator is being provided to the Frontier Scouts-KPk to support their flood relief efforts.

U.S. Contributions To Date

  • More than 460,000 halal meals from U.S. stocks in Afghanistan and elsewhere in the region have been delivered to civilian and military officials in Pakistan.
  • The U.S. has made an initial pledge of $10 million for humanitarian assistance under the supervision of Pakistan's National Disaster Relief Authority.
  • U.S. helicopters assigned to Ministry of Interior's 50th Squadron have airlifted a total of 733 people and transported 11,873 pounds of provisions to flood victims since July 30.
  • Four Zodiac inflatable rescue boats with power motors and two water filtration units-- which provide pumping, purification, and distribution of potable water for up to 10,000 persons daily-- are being provided for use in the affected area.
  • Twelve pre-fabricated steel bridges have been made available as temporary replacements for highway bridges damaged by flooding in Peshawar and Kurram Agency. 
  • The U.S. and its international and national partners are continuing ongoing humanitarian programs in the flood-affected areas and are working to identify assistance gaps to be addressed through an expansion of existing programs as well as new grants. 

Private Sector Response

  • Working with mGive, Americans are contributing to Pakistan flood relief by texting the word "SWAT" to 50555. The text will result in a donation of $10 to the UNHCR Pakistan Flood Relief Effort. Every $10 helps provide tents and emergency aid to displaced families.