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Press Releases 2010

Statement By Secretary Clinton: Flooding In Pakistan

U.S. Department of State
Office of the Spokesman

The Pakistani people are friends and partners, and the United States is standing with them as the tragic human toll mounts from flooding in Northwest Pakistan.  Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have lost loved ones or have been displaced from their homes -- and we are taking action to help. Our embassy in Islamabad is coordinating closely with Pakistani authorities to support rescue and relief efforts. We have made an initial commitment of $10 million in aid and are rushing helicopters, boats, pre-fabricated bridges, mobile water treatment units, and emergency food supplies to meet Pakistan's growing humanitarian needs. And we will work closely with the government of Pakistan to ensure aid reaches those people who need it most. I have seen first-hand the strength and resilience of the Pakistani people and I know they will come through this tragedy with determination and compassion.