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Press Releases 2010

Joint Pakistan – U.S. Press Statement: 23rd Security Assistance Working Group

May 7, 2010

Rawalpindi - The Pakistan-U.S. Security Assistance Working Group (SAWG) discussed defense cooperation in a meeting held from 5 to 7 May 2010 in the Ministry of Defense Production.  The meeting was co-chaired by Additional Secretary, Ministry of Defense Production Major General Nasir Mahmood HI(M), Ms. Jeanne Lynn Farmer, Deputy Director, U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) and Mr. Thomas Countryman, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Political-Military Affairs, U.S. Department of State. The American delegation consisted of 22 members including Vice Admiral LeFever, Chief, Office of the Defense Representative-Pakistan at the U.S. Embassy.

Major General Nasir Mahmood HI (M) gave a comprehensive briefing on the progress made since the last Security Assistance Working Group, held in Washington D.C. in October 2009.  Major General Nasir highlighted the progress made since last meeting, the future defense equipment requirements of the Armed Forces of Pakistan and how U.S. Foreign Military Financing and Foreign Military Sales programs could be effectively used to meet these requirements.

Ms. Jeanne Lynn Farmer, Deputy Director, U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), in her opening remarks briefed the Security Assistance Working Group on the achievements made since the last meeting and emphasized the great progress made between the U.S. and Pakistan in addressing Pakistan's defense needs.  Mr. Thomas Countryman, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Political-Military Affairs, U.S. State Department noted with great respect the extraordinary efforts of the Pakistani military and government against violent extremist organizations, and pledged to do the utmost to continue to ensure that Pakistan's Armed Forces have the equipment they need in this War on Terror.  He commented on the expanded bi-lateral relationship and the success of the Pakistan-U.S. Strategic Dialogue held in Washington in March.  He also highlighted the U.S. Government's commitment to a wide range of assistance including economic, energy, communication and education to meet the challenges of terrorism and extremism.  Vice Admiral LeFever, commented on the positive growth of the Pakistan-U.S. military to military relationship during his tenure and discussed the way ahead to ensure continued cooperation.

During the 3 day meeting, which was held in a friendly and cordial atmosphere, Pakistan and the U.S. reviewed the status of military equipment deliveries to Pakistan.  Both sides noted the steady improvement in the efficiency of our cooperation, allowing for more rapid delivery of necessary items, including the P-3C aircraft and upcoming deliveries such as F-16 fighter aircraft, which are scheduled to arrive this June, as well as Cobra helicopter spares and an Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate.

Both sides signed the minutes of the meeting and agreed to a follow-up Security Assistance Working Group, which is scheduled to be held in Washington in October.