
On July 10, Senator Warner hosted an energy summit that will focus on how Virginians can maximize opportunities available through the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for low-income families, state and local governments, and industry.

The summit featured remarks from Senator Warner and Deputy Secretary of Energy Dan Poneman.

Here is the report from Norfolk's Virginian-Pilot:

At an energy summit at Hampton University, U.S. Sen. Mark Warner and Deputy Energy Secretary Dan Poneman announced that Virginia has been allocated more than $94 million to help weatherize low-income housing across the state, and $37 million has just been released from Washington.

In addition, the two leaders said, the U.S. Department of Energy has approved a state blueprint to spend an additional $76 million in stimulus funds through grants, loans and rebates to accelerate alternative energy projects and other programs aimed at decreasing fossil fuels and increasing green jobs.

Warner, a Democrat, endorsed the stimulus package pushed by President Barack Obama and approved by Congress earlier this year that includes $38.7 billion for alternative energy and energy conservation spending.

Warner said the federal investment represents a harbinger of a new economic revolution in the United States, one based on clean energy, low-carbon fuels and environmental engineering.

"If the '80s were about telecommunications and the '90s about the Internet, I think the next 20 years will be all about green energy," Warner said after a speech to nearly 500 attendees Friday.

The summit drew local officials, engineers, environmentalists, scientists and entrepreneurs. Warner said the intent was simple: connect idea people with money people, then sit back and watch innovation and deal-making flourish.

Check back later this week for video of the conference.


Videos from the Summit

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