Energy Analysis

Coal Program

Coal and power systems RD&D contracts are managed by NETL's Strategic Center for Coal. NETL conducts activities related to coal power in all four of its research areas: Computational and Basic Sciences, Energy System Dynamics, Geological and Environmental Systems, and Materials Science.

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Oil & Gas

Oil and natural gas account for more than 60 percent of the energy consumed in the United States. To meet projected demand, our nation has a vital interest in ensuring that competitively priced domestic natural gas and oil remain part of the U.S. energy portfolio for decades to come.

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Energy Trends & Issues

NETL assesses near- and long-term trends within the energy industry and in the U.S. and world economies that may impact energy price, availability, and security while influencing the choice of fuels and energy-production technologies.

Life Cycle Analysis |  Analytical Tools and Data |  Smart Grid

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