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21 October 2012: Princeton University President Visits Ottawa
Ambassador Jacobson with Princeton University President Dr. Shirley Tilghman.

Ambassador Jacobson with Princeton University President Dr. Shirley Tilghman.

Princeton University President Dr. Shirley Tilghman engaged Canadian university, government, and non-profit sector leaders in discussions on "Graduate Research for the Workforce of Tomorrow" on October 5th. Dr. Tilghman held a roundtable discussion on the topic followed by a lecture and question and answer session with a larger audience. She co-chairs a National Institutes of Health working group on graduate education and the biomedical workforce and shared many of the findings of the working group's recent report, which fostered a lengthy discussion on how best to meet the research needs of tomorrow while creating a productive career trajectory for recently graduated scientists, a challenge for both Canada and the United States. Dr. Tilghman also met with members of the Canadian Excellence in Research Chairs selection board, which she co-chairs, during her time in Ottawa.