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Associates degree

Associate Degrees

Entrance requirements to two-year colleges offering Associate Degrees are less rigorous, and do not always require the ACT/SAT for admissions.

The Occupational Outlook Quarterly’s article Associate Degree: Two years to a career or a jump start to a bachelor's degree provides an overview of the training, career fields, and earnings potential available to Associate Degree holders.

The Associate of Arts (A.A.) and Associate of Science (A.S.) degrees are two year transfer degrees offered in a wide range of subjects designed to ensure students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to continue their education through a Bachelor of Arts degree, or to competitively enter the workforce after the completion of two years of study towards the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree. Associate Degrees can be obtained in a large range of subject areas including Healthcare, Business, Education, Criminal Justice, Technology and the Arts and Humanities.

Transfer credits from an Associate degree to a Bachelor of Arts degree are governed by Articulation Agreements between inter-state institutions, specifying the courses and credits received at a Community College that may be considered for transfer towards the Bachelor’s degree.

Advantages of the Associate of Arts & Associate of Science Degrees

  • Lower costs - The Associate Degree allows for transfer to a college or university Bachelor of Arts program in the third year of study, enabling students to attend a Community College for the first two years at a much lower tuition rate.
  • Catching up - Because of the less competitive entry requirements of Community Colleges, students with lower high school grades or low standardized test scores still have an opportunity to pursue post-secondary education by transferring to a Bachelor of Arts degree program by beginning their studies at a Community College and transferring to a State university.
  • In class advantage - Class sizes are smaller at Community Colleges, allowing for more personalized attention, and faculty spend a greater proportion of their time teaching.
  • Career focus - The Associate Degree also provides a unique perspective to students by focusing on occupation oriented training and career courses that teach you to identify the job skills, experience and requirements needed to enter the labour force. This knowledge can help you to determine your major when transferring to the Bachelor of Arts degree, and will give you a competitive advantage in applying your learning to your career objectives.

Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.)degrees are occupational focused two year degrees that train students for careers in specific professions. Students take general education classes in mathematics and writing, for example, along with career oriented training courses that provide hands-on practical learning through industry specific projects. Degrees are offered in many professional areas, such as Science, Arts, Technology and Occupational Studies.

Advantages of the Associate of Applied Science Degree

  • Courses are tailored to industry standards and provide students with the opportunity to perform tasks or train with the equipment and resources used on the job.
  • Faculty work in the fields they teach in, and provide demonstration and practical exercises for students to engage with real life scenarios and projects that would be expected on the job.
  • Co-op and internship placements are a key part of many Associate of Applied Science degree programs, providing on the job experience that relates to your field of study.
  • At many colleges, certificates are awarded after the completion of a determined set of courses, allowing you to obtain the credentials needed to work while you continue your studies.

The Online Guide to Associate Degree's provides information on Community Colleges, programs, and fields of study available.

You can also search for programs and learn more online through the Associate Degree Guide.