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Marine Corps Base Hawaii

"Supporting Readiness and Global Projection"

Nu'upia Ponds Running Trail

Running Trail Information

In 2002, an Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared to analyze the potential impacts involved in expanding access to the Nu’upia Ponds Wildlife Management Area for recreational running by the general base population, escorted outside groups and sponsored visits.

The pond complex had not been managed for expanded public access since the late 1970s. During the late 1990’s, controlled access by military units for conditioning hikes and formation running was allowed.

The primary focus of the pond complex however, still remains to be on improving the pond habitat and managing for the endangered Hawaiian Stilt.

The authorized Running Trail begins at 3rd St bridge and terminates at the Mokapu Rd near the back gate. Access beyond the pipe gates is prohibited.

The running trail does NOT extend to the portion of the Nu’upia Ponds bounded on the west by Mokapu Rd, the east by Kailua Bay/Ft Hase shoreline, the south by Kaimalino housing and the north by the rock wall/Ironwood stand on Ft Hase shoreline. This area is off-limits to all forms of activity not related to management of the ponds.

Running Trail Rules & Regulations
Do NOT Enter Restricted Gated Areas

PROHIBITED per Base Order P5500.15B:

  • Domesticated Animals / Pets on the trail
  • Harvesting or collecting of natural resources or cultural artifacts (fish and other marine life, birds, plants, etc – alive or dead)
  • Harassing or disturbing the wildlife in any manner
  • Unescorted children (under 16 years old)
  • Contractors without authorization from the Environmental Dept
  • POVs, mopeds and ATVs without authorization from the Environmental Dept
Fish & Wildlife Features

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