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DOE Electronic Notebook Software Transforms Medical Research

In 2001 ORNL’s electronic notebook software (enote) won an Energy 100 Award as one of the "top 100 discoveries and innovations from the Department of Energy that have resulted in improvements for American consumers." Enote is the electronic equivalent of a paper research notebook. Instead of recording information on paper, the researcher uses a computer to input sketches, text, equations, images, graphs, signatures, and other data on electronic notebook "pages". This input can come from a variety of computer peripherals such as keyboards, sketchpads, mice, microphones, or (in some cases) directly from scientific instruments. This information is then available to be read and navigated in a similar fashion as a paper notebook but has the added capabilities to be searched and even shared with collaborators in different geographic locations, who are involved in joint experiments and research programs.

Today enote is being downloaded and used in medical research institutes across the nation, especially those institutes specializing in cancer research. Al Geist, one of the developers, says “a couple years ago an oncologist and his staff started using our enote software and it helped them so much that they started telling their colleagues about it. From there the use just blossomed across medical research facilities.” Today the enote software is being used at: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, St. Jude Children’s Hospital, University of Chicago Medical Center, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Oregon Medical Laser Center/Heart Institute, Duke University Medical Center, The Mount Sinai Medical Center, Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center, The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, Baltimore VA Medical Center, and Hope Hospital. The list of prestigious institutions that are using enote continues to grow every day.

This DOE software is quietly transforming the collaborative approach to medical research as it continues to be a landmark tool for use in scientific research and collaboration worldwide.


For more information, please contact:

Al Geist


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URL: http://www.csm.ornl.gov/Highlights/eNote.html
Updated: Thursday, 29-Nov-2007 09:40:59 EST
