May 31, 2012

Update on HUD’s IT Modernization

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Today, the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) must deliver on the defined functions in the Clinger-Cohen Act, while also exceling in the unwritten yet critical disciplines that make or break a successful IT service delivery organization. At HUD for the last three years, we have been transforming our IT organization so that our [...]

July 20, 2011

The Evolving CIO: Making Data Intelligent Under the Watchful Budget Eye

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Note: I started this blog series to share my reflections and create a dialogue on how the role of the CIO must adapt to meet the information management challenges that face us as we move deeper into the 2nd decade of the millennium. Summers within the Federal landscape do not mean a slower pace of [...]

June 3, 2011

IT Reform at the Department of Housing and Urban Development

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HUD’s mission is to “to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all,” and we accomplish that mission through several component organizations, offices, and a widespread network of regional offices and smaller field offices across the country. As CIO, I know that gaining an enterprise-wide perspective at our federated agency, while challenging, [...]

March 28, 2011

The Evolving CIO: From Financial Compliance Origins to Data Singularity

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Thank you to those who took a moment to comment on my recent blog introducing my new series on the evolving CIO. Several of you agreed that we need to redefine the purpose of the CIO based on the trajectory of our society. In this spirit, an article comes to mind that I was reading [...]

February 14, 2011

The Evolving CIO: The Challenges of the 2nd Decade

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In the course of the two decades that the federal Chief Information Officer (CIO) position has existed, the landscape for information management strategy and implementation has changed dramatically: globalization, the rise and dominance of Internet, the ever-accelerating trend to put more and more processing power into smaller and smaller devices, have led to countless innovations [...]
