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SMCD shieldLawrence Flynn

Satellite Meteorology and Climatology Division

Sensor Physics Branch
Research Scientist

Recent Publications

To see Dr. Flynn's complete list of publications, abstracts, and citation metrics, visit his ResearcherID page.

Lawrence Flynn photoLawrence Flynn received his PhD from the University of California, Davis in Applied Mathematics in 1987. He spent four years as an assistant professor in mathematics departments and four years as a contractor at NASA GSFC as a senior analyst in the Atmospheric and Chemistry Dynamics Branch. Larry joined NESDIS in 1996 and has been a research scientist for the last fourteen years. His duties include research and analysis for validation, algorithm development, and calibration of existing and next generation satellite-based ozone sensors.

Information on the latest release of SBUV/2 data [the Version 8 SBUV(/2) DVD containing 25 years of ozone profile retrievals] can be found at the V8 DVD Link.

Recent Posters and Presentations

  • Presentation on OMPS at the IGARSS meeting in Anchorage Alaska, September 20, 2004.
  • Poster on OMPS at the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium in Kos Greece June 7, 2004. PPT

Participation in WMO Ozone Reports:

  • Contributor to Chap. 4 of WMO Report #44, Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1998.
  • Coauthor of Chap. 2 of WMO Report #43, 1997 SPARC/IOC Assessment of Trends in the Vertical Distribution of Ozone, 1998.
  • Contributor to Chap. 4 of WMO Report #37, Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 1994.


  • US Department of Commerce Bronze Medal for "exemplary engineering support and outstanding efforts in recovering the NOAA-18 SBUV instrument", May 2009.
  • US Department of Commerce Bronze Medal for NOAA-17 Post-launch Checkout, October 2003
  • Spirit of NPOESS Award, Key Decision Point 'C' Team, August 2002
  • US Department of Commerce Bronze Medal for POES Ozone Contributions, November 2001

Dr. Flynn's positions include:

  • Chair IPO/NPOESS OMPS Operational Algorithm Team
  • Co-Chair NOAA/NESDIS Ozone Products Oversight Panel
  • Calibration Scientist for the SBUV/2 Instrument
  • Principal Investigator EOS Aura OMI Science Team
  • Member CEOS/WGCV Atmospheric Chemistry SubGroup
  • Member GOME Instrument Function Chain Team
  • Member GOME Profile Retrieval Working Group
  • Member NOAA Trends Tiger Team
  • Member NPOESS Cal./Val. Working Group
  • Member NASA/NOAA Ozone Processing Team
  • Member NPOESS Data Exploitation Team
  • Member NOAA-N OV Team
  • Member NOAA Ozone Group

Most Recent Publications

L. Flynn, C. Seftor, J. Larsen, and P. Xu, The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS), book chapter accepted for publication by Springer Verlag, July 2004.

S. Kondragunta, L. Flynn, et al., Vertical structure of the anomalous 2002 Antarctic ozone hole, J. Atmos. Sci., in Press.

L. Flynn, J. Hornstein, and E. Hilsenrath, The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS): The Next Generation of US Ozone Monitoring Instruments, in 2004 IEEE IGARSS Proceedings, 20-24 September 2004, Anchorage, Alaska.

A.J. Miller, et al., Examination of SBUV(/2) Total Ozone Data for Ozone Recovery Utilizing Statistical Analysis of the Data and Comparison with Available 2-Dimensional Models, Ozone, Proceedings Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, 2004, Ed. C. Zerefos, Pg. 73-4.

P.K. Bhartia, et al., A Quarter Century of Ozone Observations by SBUV and TOMS, Ozone, Proceedings Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, 2004, Ed. C. Zerefos, Pg. 89-90.

S.V. Kireev, M.P. McCormick, L.E. Flynn, and I. Petropavlovskikh, Intercomparisons of SBUV/2 and Dobson/Umkehr Ozone Measurements, Ozone, Proceedings Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, 2004, Ed. C. Zerefos, Pg. 490-1.

L. Flynn, et al., The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS): The next Generation of NOAA Ozone Monitoring Instruments, Ozone, Proceedings Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, 2004, Ed. C. Zerefos, Pg. 538-9.

G. Jaross, et al., Design of the OMPS SDR Algorithm, Ozone, Proceedings Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, 2004, Ed. C. Zerefos, Pg. 555-6.

S. Kondragunta, L.E. Flynn, E. Shettle and E. Beach, Analysis and Validation of Version 8 SBUV/2 Total and Profile Ozone Data, Ozone, Proceedings Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, 2004, Ed. C. Zerefos, Pg. 565-6.

J.D. Wild, et al., A Combined Time Series of Ozone Profiles from SBUV and SBUV/2, Ozone, Proceedings Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, 2004, Ed. C. Zerefos, Pg. 641-2.

G. Reinsel, et al., On detection of turnaround and recovery in trend for ozone, JGR, 107(D10), 10.1029/2001JD000500, 2002.

A.J. Miller, et al., A cohesive total ozone data set from the SBUV(/2) satellite system, JGR 107(D23), 10.1029/2001JD000853, 2002.

Planet, W.G., et al., Total ozone determination from NOAA operational SBUV/2 instrument observations: An update, JGR, 106(D15), 17471-78, 2001.

M.J. Newchurch,. et al., Upper-stratospheric ozone trends 1979-1998, JGR, 105(D11), 14625-36, 2000.

D. Cunnold et al., Uncertainties in upper stratospheric ozone trends, JGR, 105(D4), 4427-44, 2000.

R. McPeters, et al., Results from the 1995 NDSC Stratospheric Ozone Profile Intercomparison at Mauna Loa (MLO3), JGR, 104(D23), 30505-14, 1999.

G. Reinsel, et al., Update of Umkehr data trend analysis through 1997, JGR, 104(D19), 23881-98, 1999.

Miller et al., Information content of Umkehr and SBUV(2) satellite data for ozone trends and solar responses in the stratosphere, JGR, 102(D15), 19257-63, 1997.

Flynn, L.E., Discussion of 'A new approach to the characterization of long term changes in total atmospheric ozone: determination and application of frequency distributions,' by Reck et al., Atmospheric Environment, 31(15), 2375-6, 1997.

Flynn, L.E., and E.A. Celarier, Comment on 'Wavelet analysis and visualization of the formation of low total ozone events in northern Sweden,' by Weinberg et al., GRL, 24(12), 1543-4, 1997.

Miller et al., Comparisons of observed ozone trends and solar effects in the stratosphere through examination of ground based Umkehr and combined solar backscattered ultraviolet (SBUV) and SBUV 2 satellite data, JGR, 101(C4), 9017-21, 1996.

Aikin et al., Intercomparison of UV spectrometer and polarimeter on SMM and SAGE II ozone profiles and trends in the lower mesosphere, JGR, 101(D4), 90223-9, 1996.

Flynn et al., Estimation of ozone with total ozone portable spectroradiometer instruments: I Theoretical model and error analysis, Applied Optics, 35(30), 6076-83, 1996.

Labow et al., Estimation of ozone with total ozone portable spectroradiometer instruments: II Practical operation and comparisons, Applied Optics, 35(30), 6084-9, 1996.

Bhartia et al., Algorithm for the estimation of vertical profiles from the backscattered ultraviolet technique, JGR, 101(D13), 18793-806, 1996.

McPeters et al, Long term ozone trends derived from the 16 year combined Nimbus 7/Meteor 3 TOMS Version 7 record, GRL, 23(25), 3699-702, 1996.

Chandra et al, The mid latitude total ozone trends in the northern hemisphere, GRL, 23(5), 555-8, 1996.

Hollandsworth et al, Comment on 'New evidence for ozone depletion in the upper stratosphere,' by H. Claude, et al., GRL, 23(4), 411-2, 1996.

Hollandsworth et al., Ozone trends deduced from combined Nimbus 7 and NOAA 11 SBUV/2 data, GRL, 22(8), 905-8, 1995.

McPeters et al., Comparisons of SBUV and SAGE II ozone profiles: Implications for ozone trends, JGR, 99(D10), 20513-24, 1994.

Hood et al., Altitude dependence of stratospheric ozone trends based on Nimbus 7 SBUV data, GRL, 20(23), 2667-70, 1993.

Gleason et al., Record low global ozone in 1992, Science, 260, 523-6, 1993.


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