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Social Media Experiment for NATO Summit

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The Strategic Communications Limited Objective Ecperiment Final Report is now available. Click here to download (PDF, ~3 MB)

NATO seeks to increase the awareness of the Alliance to the public. To achieve more global awareness, NATO has identified social media as the platform for a Limited Objective Experiment (LOE). This LOE will focus on social media in support of the NATO Summit taking place 19-21 May 2012.

Aim: To assess the utility and methods for applying a Social Media internal feed-back process that can quickly evaluate the public perception of NATO key messages in near real time to help ensure a truthful and accurate understanding is achieved in a timely manner.


  • Identify the number of social media comments pertaining to NATO Summit key messages
  • Assess sentiment of social media comments pertaining to Summit key messages
  • Experiment Details and Schedule
    Who: An open event; Everyone is encouraged to participate

    19 May – 10:30 AM EDT
    Youth Leaders Forum Speech
    20 May – 6:25 PM EDT
    Secretary General's News Conference
    21 May – 12:30 PM EDT
    Afghanistan Remarks & News Conference

    Where: Anywhere there is an internet connection – at home, work, or via Smartphone – and via
    Questions? Email
  • Assess StratCom methods and procedures in communicating feedback to the SecGen's staff regarding audience responses resulting from the SecGen's speeches
  • Identify which social media assessment tools were most useful for this process
  • Identify which additional training is required for this type of process
  • Observe the ability of StratCom personnel to adapt to the feedback and modify messaging in time for follow-on interviews and speeches
  • Observe if NATO leadership made any modification of the Summit messages

Social Media Experiment Process:

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Social Media Experiment 2012

Social Media News