DLA Aviation

Vendor Performance System

What is the Automated Best Value System (ABVS)?

The Automated Best Value System (ABVS), formerly called the Automated Best Value Model, is a computerized system that collects a vendor’s existing past performance data and translates it into a numeric score. The contracting officer then uses the score as an additional evaluation factor when making best value award decisions .... learn more


Access ABVS Data


Important Notices, Updates and Changes

  • DLA Land and Maritime 2011 "Recognition for Excellence Awards" Criteria (PDF) DLA Land and Maritime will continue its traditional recognition of contractors for their excellent performance as measured by the Automated Best Value System (ABVS). This year, each contractor's DSCC Center Score – from the Jan. 5, 2011 monthly update to the Jan. 5, 2012, monthly update – will be used to select "Recognition for Excellence Award" winners. Presentation of the awards will take place at the Defense Supply Center Columbus, Ohio.  Learn more about the criteria for awards selection by clicking the link above.


Sending ABVS Challenges via E-mail

Contractors are welcome to send ABVS challenges via e-mail. Please direct all such challenges to the appropriate supply center at the following addresses: